We are down to the last few weeks of 2017. Sometimes I wonder where the year went and other times, I just think about how ready I am for the New Year to get here. In my head, I sometimes think it’s already 2018. I just can’t wait for that even number year and hope it will be a good one.
Anyway, enough on the reflecting, because there will be more to come on that. Let’s get to what I am currently up to this month.
Current book
Well I was going to say that I’m still reading the same book from October, but then on Friday my manager sent out an email that she accidentally got a box of like 30 copies of the book Wonder. Since I heard the movie was good, I wanted to read the book. It is also a quick read since it’s for ages 8-13 or so. So thanks Amazon for letting her keep the books and it was a great pre Christmas gift for my co workers.
PS All that went through my head Friday was “and you get a book and you get a book and you get a book…” haha I love Oprah
Current podcast
I don’t have any new ones this month, but catching up on From the Heart with Yoga Girl
Current guilty pleasure
I don’t know if this is a guilty pleasure but just enjoying the holiday season and a few splurges. Brian has actually been home for more than a week and it has been great to get out and do things. I know I could be saving more but kinda living in the moment.

Current drink
Collagen in water, love it for more protein and it’s pretty much tasteless. I mean there is a taste because it’s obviously not just water but I have gotten used to it and notice when I drink it in the morning I feel more full.
Current food
Fajitas, chips, salsa…can you see the Mexican theme
Current obsession
My new leggings and cozy sweater with some wool socks. ‘Tis the season

Current craving
Cookies…can’t wait to make my gingerbread ones soon

Current need
I don’t usually make any new year resolutions but just currently looking forward to a new year and fresh start again.
Current excitement
Florida for Christmas
Current confession
I’ve been eating a lot of Dove Peppermint Bark chocolate…it’s my favorite of the holiday season
Current mood
I’d say content.
Current wish
For a wonderful Christmas
Thanks Amanda for letting me Think out Loud.
Tell me your…
…current guilty pleasure?
…Current wish?
…current obsession?

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