Do you ever think back to where you were a year ago and how far you have come?
I’ve been writing and reflecting a lot, being so grateful for where I am now, a new person from last year at this time.
If you haven’t read the story of getting my current job, you can do so here.
April 19, 2022 is the day I had my first interview with the company I currently work for. In the moment, I told myself, just think of this as another practice interview. This was the mindset I would set for myself after being disappointed not getting calls back or being ghosted after interviews as I job searched.
What I did not expect that day was to wake up to heavy wet snow/sleet on the ground. It wasn’t the amount of snow as much as the fact that the temp was hovering around 32 degrees. The snow was so wet it took down trees and powerlines. I remember being the only accountant able to work from home that day. Everyone else had no power and couldn’t get out of their driveway. There was no point in shoveling with the forecast warming up.
I was preparing for my trip to Portugal and I had to get a Covid test to fly. [It’s actually a little weird thinking how that was only a year ago.] I had to reschedule my test for the afternoon since I couldn’t get out of the driveway. The snow was already melting by the afternoon and the roads I took were ok.
My interview went really well. So well that I got a second interview scheduled for the next evening right before my trip. Thursday April 21, 2022, I’m at the airport hours before my flight and find out I got the job offer. I had a gut feeling that this job was right, but of course I had to discuss with Brian and logistics of moving. Everything happened so fast. In the span of less than 3 days I had 2 interviews and the job offer!! The first couple days of the retreat were “long” in the sense I had this decision to make, but it wasn’t just me to consider. By Sunday, Brian and I were on the same page to take the leap.
There was a really good quote my friend Jen shared the other day.
“The unknown can feel terrifying. But somewhere in that same realm where anything could go wrong is everything that can go right” – Lori Deschene
I’ve had people tell me I’m brave to travel alone or I’m brave to move to a city without knowing anyone. Those times when I took those leaps are times when I grow the most in who I am. In these last 12 months, I have grown so much. It hasn’t been easy. It has been a hilly ride with ups and downs. There has been stress and anxiety at times, but also so much joy and gratitude.
Initially when Brian and I decided on an apartment, we hoped to have a house by this time. Now we are renewing the apartment lease. A couple months ago, that was hard for me to process, because I was imagining being in a house, but now I’m actually excited and more calm knowing I have another 12 months to save and see where this housing market goes.
I still have moments where I am like, am I really here?!
One thing I know though, is I am exactly where I am meant to be.

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