I never could have predicted the happenings in August. What an emotional month. I am happy we can put August behind us and move forward with September. Yes I will miss summer, but I think it is time for a new season, just please no snow yet. I never appreciated the beauty of Fall until I experienced Fall in New York state. The leaves, colors and cooler temps make fall so beautiful. This is why I must live somewhere with the four seasons. I hope to get in some park walking to experience the beauty in Fall, but before we get to September goals, let’s see how August went.
- Set up Photo Gallery on Blog of Bridge Photos – success!! I learned how to create a photo gallery and it wasn’t that hard! Now I can continue to add to this page when I go places and do more bridges. I also arranged them in date order. There were times when I was doing bridges more consistently that the curve in my back got really good and there were times that I just wasn’t as consistent but it is cool to see them all.
- Update Yoga Page – rearranged and updated with my Yoga Workshop Friday series so that it is much easier to find specific poses and my posts. I also just added all my yin yoga weekend links.
- Pass yin yoga training – DONE!!
- Explore bullet journaling – I am still playing with layouts, but I like the concept of the bullet journal and it is nice to use to plan ahead and write my everyday things I am grateful for, etc.
September Goals
- Self care – July and August were so busy and I need to learn to take a step back every now and then. I need to get back on my meal prep game after all the amazing food with the funerals in August. I need to get back to veggies and less processed food and less sugar. Honestly my face hasn’t been this broken out in ages and I know food is a huge part of that. Also just being mindful of my form when weightlifting and trying to balance out my right and left sides because as I get more aware of my body through yoga, I notice my imbalances more which then can lead to me experiencing some pain. Also little things like a hair cut, massage and doctor appointments. Just taking care of myself. September weekends are a little more open for doing so.
- Apple picking – September means apples are back in season and I know there is some apple picking somewhere around where I live so I hope to seek some out. I used to eat an apple a day and now I kind of only eat a bunch when it’s apple season.
- New York state parks – I am hoping there will be at least one weekend where Brian is around that we can go walk on a trail through some state parks. It’s funny whenever I tell people I live in New York and they assume the city, but there is sooo much more to New York state than the city and there are some fabulous state parks to do day trips to.
I think I will leave my goals at just 3 for the month. In addition to the goals above, I plan to ease back into my weight lifting and hopefully feel more balanced with my self care.
What are your favorite Fall activities?

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