I debated putting up a post today, but I was really into a creative mood yesterday. I was actually quite productive on a few of my August goals. Starting out the day with a workout and a walk while listening to podcasts really got me inspired to tackle a few things. By the afternoon, I was ready to sit back and relax and decided to put on Netflix and watch the movie, Sing, before getting back into yin yoga homework.
The weekend didn’t start out on a bright note though. Friday morning, before I left for work, we learned that Brian’s dad didn’t wake up. That definitely started the day on a stressful/anxious/sad note. I didn’t know what to do or say. I had that sinking feeling in my stomach the entire day, but I felt a bit better being at work, surrounded by people. It was also pie day (my work had a fundraiser and sold pie by the slice that people graciously donated) and some pumpkin pie hit the spot.

I was really in disbelief. How? Why? What do I do to comfort his family? Brian and I have been together almost 8 years. My parents had never met his dad and now his dad won’t get to see us get married and all the things to come. Gone too soon.
Friday, I went about my day at work, which I was thankful to be busy with a couple people out I was covering for. I notified my manager that I wasn’t sure of my schedule for next week but we would figure something out. After work, I headed to yoga. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere at least until Sunday, so I headed to my favorite vinyasa class.
I was fine through the whole class and then savasana came and thoughts entered my mind. It wasn’t a very long savasana, but I nearly had tears in my eyes by the end. I headed back home and learned about some of the plans for the following week and then just watched some Netflix before heading to bed.
I struggled to sleep, that fear of not waking up. I could feel myself stressing so much and kept telling myself I need to calm down, I need to breathe. It was a rough night. I woke up in the middle of the night so hungry as all I had for dinner was a smoothie. This past week of eating, I have not been as hungry for dinner so I had just eaten zucchini noodles or something simple. I discovered Saturday morning that I had lost 2 pounds this past week. It doesn’t seem like much, but I know I am not eating enough, especially protein. I need to get back on my meal prep game.
Saturday morning I was up early, before my 6:45 alarm. I left around 7:20 to head to the yoga studio to take a class and do some work. I was doing better Saturday morning and really looking forward to my massage later. I feel like in these hard times, yoga is so good. I know yoga is healing and it distracts my mind for a bit.
My massage was wonderful. My right side has been so tense and the masseuse could really feel it. I am sure the news on Friday didn’t help my shoulder. I could have used another hour or so, but I did feel much looser after and she really dug into my hips. That actually hurt and I have a couple small bruises from it, but it was needed.
As I drove to my massage, I kept thinking about Panera as it was down the street, so I decided to stop there for lunch after. I haven’t eaten there in forever and I knew I would earn a reward this visit. I got the strawberry poppyseed salad with chicken and some bread on the side. The comfort of carbs in this time and the delicious giant salad really satisfied me.
After that, I headed to Wegmans. It was best that I ate first since my grocery list was small. I made it even smaller knowing that I will likely be away or have meals cooked by someone this week with the funeral things happening.
My morning out and massage really helped as I returned to the empty house. I was alone for the weekend and I have to say, I enjoyed the peace and quiet. The sudden loss was a good reminder for me to catch up with my own family and fill them in on the news. I ended up talking to my sister on the phone for an hour which we never usually do, but it was nice. I also learned that one of my cats at home got skunked and I was happy I was not at home smelling her. Just talking about things happening and my sister heading back to school in a week was a nice distraction again.
After that, I finally got down to business and finished my yoga reading, in between doing loads of laundry. I then made some delicious turkey lettuce wraps for dinner and wound down for the night with Netflix. I finished off Gilmore Girls again…I can’t tell you how many times I have watched all 7 seasons. Now I will take a little break as usual before restarting again at season 1.
Saturday throughout the afternoon, I still felt like I was taking short breaths. I needed to destress even further. This is when my yoga breathing comes in handy. I still can’t get myself to really practice it on a daily basis, but it is nice to have tools to destress when needed. I also may have ordered a couple things online that I don’t know if I really need, but in the moment wanted to try out. At least they weren’t too much and will see how they work. I haven’t ordered something in a while.
By the time 9pm rolled around, I was actually tired. I still stayed up watching random things until almost 10, but I felt a lot better Saturday night going to sleep and overall slept better.
Sunday morning was a day I could sleep in, but no, I was still up around 6:30. I had some cereal for breakfast. Usually I have oatmeal, but I was craving cereal and bought some on Saturday. Then I headed to the gym. While my body felt looser thanks to the massage, my hip was still iffy after squats. I think I will need to find a PT to help me straighten out. I just feel like something is off. I cut my workout a little short due to that and decided to head to the park for a walk. I played a podcast and walked the park for an hour. This really inspired me for the rest of the day.
I got home and decided to make some almond butter cookies while continuing to play through my backlog of podcasts (side note: Oprah has a podcast now and I started listening to it). I decided to work on my blog pages and finished up my Gallery Page of Bridge Photos and updated my Yoga Page. Somehow two hours flew by.

Once I was happy with the layout, I rewarded myself with some Netflix and that’s where this post started. I’d say Sunday was a pretty productive day and definitely a better mood. Sometimes I just need that peace and quiet time to really focus and get things done. I also enjoyed having the kitchen to myself and doing some baking and cooking. This coming week will be tough. I am trying to keep as much routine as I can to help me.
On that note, this post is a little long, but again I will include my workouts from the week. This coming week, my workouts will be less due to some traveling and also because I think my body needs the rest.
Sun 8/6: squat day
Mon 8/7: accessory arm day
Tues 8/8: aerial yoga
Wed 8/9: bench day
Thurs 8/10: yin yoga
Fri 8/11: vinyasa yoga
Sat 8/12: slow flow yoga
Please keep my fiance’s family in your thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.

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Alicia, sorry to hear about Brian’s dad. It is a difficult thing, dealing with death. It always seems too soon, unless the person is elderly and sick or in pain.
Where are you working? It sounds like you’re doing accounting?
Thanks Olive. It was very sudden. I am doing accounting work at Raymond in Greene.