This was definitely a total do nothing weekend and I have no regrets seeing as it was the last free weekend from school work until August. Friday night I was playing around with some yoga and then after a while I decided to bake cookies, because why not?

Saturday’s weather was plain awful. It switched from rain to snow and froze overnight so we woke up to a dusting of snow in MAY. Then it took my car a good 10 minutes to warm up, then the tire light was on so I filled all my tires and after 20 minutes or so I could finally drive to Wegmans. I then stopped at the farmers market for my greens and what made my morning was seeing the donut truck at the farmers market so I had to get a few donuts to bring home. I waited in my car for a bit seeing as it was literally freezing 32 degrees. I don’t understand how we had one weekend 70 degrees and the next 32 degrees.

When I got home, I surprised Brian with the donuts and I made a vitamin C boosting smoothie. Basically I felt like I was losing my voice Friday. Maybe it’s all the singing along with Pandora during the day since working from home lol. I also spent an hour or so on the phone with people on Friday night just catching up so I talked a lot. I blended together an orange, a kiwi, frozen mango, kale, a handful of blueberries, ground ginger and turmeric together. I added water for my liquid and some ice. It actually turned out pretty good and gave me another reason to use my new koala straws.

The rest of Saturday consisted of some cleaning, a walk that ended me in a snow squall and then just sitting around. Not too exciting. Brian and I wished we could have gone somewhere to walk around but the snow kept rolling in. It was actually quite ridiculous.

Sunday May 10th was our first wedding anniversary. I had thought about ordering some to go brunch, but then I decided to just make a giant breakfast. I made my favorite almond butter pancakes along with bacon and eggs. I even made an omelet for the first time for Brian and other than the outside getting a little overdone, he liked it, so I was happy with my efforts (Thanks Youtube).

Then it was time for a pamper morning. I gave Brian his paper theme gift which was quite fitting for 2020.

Since I knew we would be at home for our anniversary, I ordered some keratin gloves and pedimasks. I didn’t know about foot masks until I recently heard it mentioned on a podcast and I thought that would be fun. We both enjoyed just watching TV and sitting with gloves on our hands and feet for a while. Skin is nice and smooth and I still have gloves for 3 more sessions and 1 more foot session.

We also enjoyed leftover birthday cake, since tradition would be to have your wedding cake a year later and we did a destination wedding and had cupcakes so nothing leftover. Having my fancy birthday cake leftover was perfect though and there are still 4 slices of cake in the freezer. Definitely a sugar coma day on Sunday but again no regrets on this.

Sunday afternoon, I went for a walk and it was 50 degrees so it was a much better walk than Saturday. Besides that, I again sat around and it was nice to have nothing on the to do list. We had our dinner delivered from Brian’s aunt, which was delicious chicken, salad, fruit and veggies.

And now we enter the work week, week #8 work from home. Even though some states are beginning to lift some of the restrictions, NYS still has a few items to meet before things begin to lift. I can’t wait to plan some travel again, road or plane.

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