It’s two weeks after the wedding and I’m finally writing about it. I think the wedding day deserves a post for itself with all the pictures, so instead, let’s talk about Charleston and leading up to the wedding first. I also realized Charleston needed to be 2 parts for all I wrote, so get ready for the wedding series to begin. I’m thinking 2-3 posts a week for a while.
Brian and I flew down Tuesday evening after work. We started the trip with our first crisis because I forgot my cell phone at home plugged in. This is why I should not have multiple chargers as I packed up a different charger and forgot to grab my phone. I’m usually using it for navigation or some sort, but we got a ride to the airport. Luckily we flew out of the local airport and had a good 1.5 before the flight when we got to the airport and I realize I didn’t have it. I owe Brian’s brother for driving to the airport and getting Brian with the key and going to our house to grab my phone and make it back to the airport. Again, luckily Binghamton airport literally only has 3 flights a day so there aren’t many people and security is quick. We still had some time to spare. I was only slightly panicked, but glad we arrived early and had that time.

Also I learned on this trip why people drug themselves before a plane ride. I really never used to be so anxious on planes, but small planes, like the one that flies from Binghamton to Detroit I hate. Plus it hasn’t helped that in all my experiences on that flight I have gotten super nauseous and not had a good time. So this time I took motion sick pills before the flight and we had had a long day so I was pretty much knocked out while listening to music. I signed up for the free 60 day trial of Pandora before my trip so I could enjoy music offline and it was great.
We actually had a couple hours after landing in Detroit which was way better than my prior experiences of running from one end of that airport to the other. Thanks to the motion sick pills, I was doing OK upon landing. Brian wanted dinner. I opt to skip meals around flying times, but I did enjoy chips and salsa for a lighter snack. It was delicious too.
We then flew from Detroit to Charleston and finally arrived at our hotel at midnight. It was straight to bed upon arrival and so nice that we got to sleep in without an alarm. I was still awake around 7, walked around the hotel, grabbed Brian a coffee and then at 8 we went out to breakfast at the Black Magic Cafe in the town of Folly Beach.

After breakfast, we headed into Charleston to the courthouse to file for our marriage license. I think that might have been my first time in a courthouse too. It was easy to find the room on the 4th floor and we were simply given a tablet (like an ipad) to fill in our names, then reviewed and voila, done, come pick up in 24 hours. Oh and it’s 24 hours exactly! We could not pick it up until after 10:07 the next day, to be precise.
Once we finished, my friend Ashley was just arriving into the airport. Since we were only 20 minutes away, we went to pick her up. Then we drove over to Battery Park and walked around for a bit. It was quite hot (though not complaining), but I needed water. Ashley, Brian and I stopped in a café and they had jumbo cookies which I couldn’t turn down either. We all split the massive oreo, chocolate chip, Reese’s cookie. It had a whole oreo and Reese’s cup backed inside it.
My parents were arriving shortly after noon as well as my best friend Mercedes and her husband, Geoff. It worked well as my parents were renting a car, they were able to find Mercedes and Geoff in the airport and meet up with us downtown. By this time it was 1pm and I was getting really hungry. We wanted to eat all together with the 7 of us and the first spot we found wouldn’t take a reservation so by the time we all arrived it was a 45 minute wait. So we walked around and had passed some other places when we moved the car and ended up at 5 Church Restaurant. I also learned to not text my dad “5 church” because apparently there was a Church street nearby and he went for a long walk before my mom called him and explained it was the restaurant name. Oops.
The place was able to seat all of us right away and was actually perfect. Our waiter gave us a brief history of the place and explained that it was an old church (hence the restaurant name) and the writing on the ceiling was actually a section of the Art of War book and not just random words as it may look.
My only complaint about the restaurant is our food took FOREVER!! I think we sat down at like 1:30ish and we didn’t get out of there until after 3. I even had Brian run to the parking meter. The restaurant wasn’t even crowded. Also when we told the waiter that everyone was in town for my wedding Friday, he gave us complimentary desserts for the WHOLE table. That was very nice, but again the desserts took FOREVER. At least they were free. The brownie was very delicious. The others got red velvet cake, carrot cake and whatever Brian got.
By the time we were leaving the restaurant, my sister was arriving at the airport, but we couldn’t fit her in the car. Brian and I were driving Mercedes and Geoff back to Folly Beach and I was finally going to see the beach house I got for the girls plus Geoff. Luckily my other friend, Kristin was renting a car and arriving shortly after my sister so they eventually met up and carpooled over to the house.
Meanwhile, we checked out the house. It was like some crazy adult tree house which was super fun. There were 4 bedrooms and 2 baths and tons of beds. You can see a house tour on my sister’s Youtube channel actually.
It was late afternoon and I think with the heat and all the walking, I was getting a headache. I needed to chug water. I headed back to Brian’s hotel room to get my things, but also relaxed for a bit and took ibuprofen to calm my head. Thankfully once that kicked in and I drank a bunch I was feeling better. We ate such a late lunch, I skipped dinner. Once my sister and Kristin arrived though, they were hungry and they headed to a local restaurant in the Folly Beach area that happened to be across from the hotel, so Brian snuck up on my sister and we chatted a bit.
Once everyone was all together at the beach house, we made a plan to go to Wal-mart, since it was nearby and get some groceries for the few days.
By the time we got back to put away groceries, it was getting late, but we hung out and chatted for a bit. I called it a pretty early night and was in bed by 10. I figured this was long and next will be part 2. Thanks for sticking with me to the end.

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The picture of your dress looks like a body bag lol