For three years now, I have gone to NYC in December to see a show. I would like to continue this tradition as I find it’s better than any wrapped gift. A day with Brian or friends in the city and seeing a show and not knowing which show you will see, is the best. I was happy Brian and I could make the trip this year. Last year we brought along a friend which made it really fun, but this year was just us and it was still wonderful.
We left around 7:30am from the house and drove to Secaucus, NJ to take the train into the city. We arrived and parked at the train station around 10:30am and just missed the train before a 45 minute wait which was unfortunate, but we made it work. Brian looked up what shows were available from the TKTS booth when they opened. We decided to see The Play That Goes Wrong. I was actually very interested in seeing this play because I heard it was so funny and it did not disappoint. It also closes on Jan 6th, so I was happy we chose it. We got to cut the line to go to the “play only” line for the TKTS booth which left us enough time to grab some lunch at a Thai place nearby and then swing around to see the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Plaza.
Crossing the street as you get closer to the tree is always crazy!! It was also 50 degrees and so nice that my fingers were not freezing so we could take photos. We were even sweating with all the walking we were doing.
Then it was time to stand in line for the play. I couldn’t believe how the line went down the block to get in.
I was laughing so hard I was crying at times. The play was really good and different from seeing a musical.
After the play, I was tired and knew we had a long trip home. We decided to head back to the train station. We passed a bakery and picked up a piece of chocolate peanut butter cake and a cookie. Then we picked up some tacos to go at the Madison Square Food court area.
When we got on the train, we dug into the dessert. The cake was good, but I did not taste peanut butter so I was a bit disappointed. Then I had asked for a ginger cookie and they gave me a peanut butter one. I guess that was my peanut butter…I mean both were good, but slightly disappointing as I was looking forward to a ginger cookie. Oh well.
A short train ride and then we found my car. We ate our tacos in the parking lot and then headed home. We made it back just before 9pm which was perfect to shower and head to bed. A good 14,000 steps walked through the city. It was a bit rushed with the timing of getting there, but it was still a perfect day to walk around the city since the rain passed and it was 50 degrees. I am just waiting for the temps to drop again and snow to dump on us like it did in November, but for now I guess it will be a green Christmas after a very white Thanksgiving…
What’s your favorite Christmas tradition?

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When I lived in NYC, I used to love the whole feel of the city at Christmas. The Rockettes Christmas Show and tree at Rockefeller Center, looking at the window displays at Saks,Macy’s and Lord &Taylor. My mom would come down on a bus trip and I would meet her. At one point in time I lived in Greenpoint Brooklyn, so mom would get good Polish kielbasa at our favorite meat place to take home. Great memories. I hope you and Brian keep up your yearly tradition.
I’m glad that you had a great time in NYC! See you Sunday! Love, Mom