A couple weeks ago, I listened to the Chatty Sisters podcast as they talked about bucket lists and the lists of 30 before 30.
I don’t think I ever made a 30 before 30 list but I did make a bucket list back in 2012 in my last year of college. Unfortunately I have no idea where that list went. I think I only had it on paper which was odd for me since I typed so much back then. Maybe one day I will find it and it will be fun to look back on. I do think if I did have the list I accomplished quite a few travel things this year that I believe were on it and that is exciting.

So for thinking out loud today, I thought I would make a new list. Now onto a new list, no age deadline, just things I want to do or dream of in my lifetime. Of course this last year, more than ever, has taught me life is short and I am so thankful, times a million, that I was able to travel for 4 months of this year as that was a dream of mine.
- Buy a house
- Get married -wedding planning details to come in the next year
- Greece
- Itlay
- Iceland
- Alaska
- See as many of the 50 states as possible. Ideally all 50, but only at 17 right now and really need to get out West.
- Have a family
- Volunteer at elephant sanctuary in Thailand
- Do a prenatal yoga training
- Host a Christmas dinner
- Get my MBA
- Swim in an infinity pool
- Do a 1 mile open swim
- Run a 5k without stopping
- Compete in a powerlifting meet
- Do 10 pull ups in a row
- Write a book
- Meet Oprah -love her!!
- Host a game night with friends
- Do a sprint triathlon
- Do a sponsored blog post
- Have a yoga photo shoot
- Go on a yoga retreat to another country
- Africa Safari
This list could easily turn into a travel list of course and there are many places I would love to travel, but I thought 25 was a good number to stop at for now. It will be nice to have this list to look back on in the next few years as I know there are some plans in the works for some of these items.
Have you ever made a bucket list? Do you set an age limit or just make one for fun for things you would like to do?
What is something on your bucket list?

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What an awesome list! I do like making lists, but they’re usually just for the next year or some period of life, such as my 4 years of college. Different travel destinations are definitely on my list, as well as different crazy activities like skydiving and snowboarding haha.
I love the idea of making a list for each year or even your college years. I hope you get to do skydiving and snowboarding some day.