I’m suddenly feeling all sorts of emotions after the past couple days. I came home from work yesterday and immediately hopped in the shower to somewhat wash away negativity and just breathe to help myself relax. I did my part and voted. To be honest, I didn’t even know who I was going to vote for until probably a month ago. Because of that, I felt like it would be neck and neck for who would win. I honestly didn’t know. However, with the outcome, I will admit I am a little scared. What helps me though, is that I read so many touching posts from friends on Facebook yesterday. Posts that truly moved me to almost tears as I sat reading some of them while working at the office.
It didn’t help that it was a gloomy day in Philly. I didn’t even know it was supposed to rain until I was walking to the train in the morning and suddenly it started to rain so I hopped on the shuttle bus. All day, I could just feel this low energy from the outcome, but yet I have hope. I am holding my head up and going to do my best to spread love and kindness. What I noticed was that so many of my friends put into words better than I, how I was feeling. Even my digestion was off yesterday and I wasn’t as hungry as I normally am. All I can say now is we can move forward from this. Keep your head up, keep spreading kindness and in 2020 we will unite and be even stronger.
So now that I got that off my chest, let’s talk about things I am loving lately, because we could all use some more positive vibes.
This salsa! My sister was always the chips and salsa person, but now that I found this Wegmans brand salsa, I can’t stop! It is perfect for me with no heat and a chunky tomato base.
I’ve been increasing my weights for bicep curls and other movements at the gym and am so excited! I definitely am feeling stronger and loving it!! That was my positive start to Wednesday after the election news was that I got to the gym and broke a sweat.
I brought up my new weekend pants in Monday’s post, but seriously you guys, I can’t stop living in these fleece leggings. I now wish I had bought them in 2 colors but likely I will not be back to Peddler’s village and they were like 60% off that weekend only. I’ll have to find another pair elsewhere if I get the chance.
Even though this hasn’t happened yet, I am adding it to the list, because I am looking forward to my yoga anatomy weekend with Leslie Kaminoff.
Since I have a busy weekend (like teacher training weekends), I will need to bring snacks and a lunch. I am thinking this pumpkin banana bread needs to happen tomorrow night.
Thanks Amanda for the link up.
Come back tomorrow for another yoga pose and then chat with you next week.
What are your weekend plans?

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Bring me a slice of the bread?! I am interested to see how everyone is feeling today, a day removed from the chaos.
I am hoping that the US gets its shit together. Pardon my language.
Happy to share a slice of bread with you Suz.