Hey there! Happy Monday. Today is a great Monday, because it’s 7/11 day!! Hello free slurpee! I haven’t purchased a slurpee in ages and last 7/11 day I failed to get one. I am hoping to make it to the 7/11 in the city today for my slurpee fix. I hear they released a birthday cake flavor. Weird flavor for a slurpee but I also really want to try it. Growing up, my house was around the corner from a 7/11. I remember when my parents would send me and my bff there to pick up some milk and while we were there we would get a slurpee or a cheap little toy. Good times.
Alright back to the present, or the weekend rather.

I don’t have too many photos from the weekend as it was pretty laid back, but started out with Brian meeting me after work on Friday and we went out to dinner. The restaurant El Rey is around the corner from my office and since me and my boss discovered it on Cinco De Mayo day (worst day to try to get a seat at a mexican restaurant btw), it has been a great restaurant to go to for lunch.
Somehow even with the happy hour specials, Brian and I both chose one of the pricier menu items, but they were delicious. We started with a crab avocado salad. I am not a big seafood person, so I picked around the crab but did have a bite of it. Eventually our main plates came out. I don’t remember what my plate was called as it was in Spanish, but it contained chicken, cheese, peppers and onions, guac and refried beans. It was delicious!!
After paying for our meal, we had about 45 minutes until the train and Carlos’ Bakery was around the corner so we stopped there. Brian was set on getting a cannoli and I was set on a cookie. Since Brian ordered 2 cannolis, I decided to also get a cupcake to take home. The cupcake was perfect dessert for Saturday.
So from Mexican to Cake Boss…an interesting combo for date night, but delicious!
We made it home around 8 and decided to watch Kinky Boots. Brian and I both loved the movie so now we want to go see the show on Broadway sometime.
To be honest Saturday was pretty uneventful other than me attending a yoga workshop. I worked on meal prep through the morning, using the oven for almost 3 hours when it was 80 outside…probably not the best idea, but made some delicious food.
In the afternoon, I drove to the Yoga Garden for a workshop on backbends and inversions. There was quite a bit of handstand work and that is definitely not my strong suit. I loved the partner work we did because I finally feel like I am becoming more confident in kicking up to a handstand. I know that my weight workouts are helping my arm strength a ton and it feels amazing to get a little assistance and be upside down. As far as backbends go, I love them! My wheel pose inspired the name for this blog. One interesting way to combine the inversion and backbend is with hollow back handstand, which with some help from my partner during the workshop, I was able to get a feel for it for the first time. That was really awesome!! If I had someone to help me all the time, I would definitely practice more, but at the moment, my practice for handstands is limited to workshops where I have teachers and other yogis to assist me.
By the time I arrived home, Brian had dinner ready. We attempted cauliflower rice sushi again and I guess I didn’t buy enough cauliflower rice, but from the little bit of sushi he did make, it was pretty good. I ended the night with a cupcake.
Oh and the perfect shirt arrived Saturday from the Summer Sweat Series with Lee and Monique.

We went for a nice walk in the evening as the humidity is finally going down. I love the heat, but the humidity was a bit much being at like 80%. We enjoyed watching the movie Butter in the evening, which I have seen a few times, but Brian never saw it.
Sunday morning started with the oven and stove on again. What can I say?! I love being in the kitchen, especially making breakfast when Brian is around. I made Lexi’s sweet potato BLT fritta. I was actually so hungry while making it that I also made a quick protein pancake while waiting. It was a nice protein filled breakfast that kept me full for hours.
For the rest of the morning, I worked on my blog and writing up a yoga sequence to teach in the afternoon.
After yoga, we headed to the pool for a few hours talking with some new friends.
Then we headed over to a new friend’s place for dinner. I brought over some brussel sprouts and roasted beets which we had with salmon and potatos. It was really tasty and nice to get together at another person’s apartment, plus I got to play with hot wheels cars with her sweet little boy.
Afterward, it was time to prep some stir fry for my dinners for the week and then relax for the evening finishing the movie, The Big Short and watching The Next Food Network Star, of course.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. They are releasing new train schedules for me today so I hope the commuting goes better than last week for me.
What is one fun thing you did this weekend?
Do you like to cook on the weekends?

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That BLT frittata looks so good!! Enjoy your slurpee!!
The slurpee was good, though I couldn’t find birthday cake flavor. Now I am sleepy and remember the affects of too much sugar lol
Your date night looks delish! <3 As does the frittata!
Thanks Tiffany