Hey guys! So I forgot I started setting goals…ooops. Apparently writing goals down on your blog doesn’t always help you remember. Maybe if I also wrote them down and taped a piece of paper to the wall with them, that might help. Anyway in September I was on vacation for a week so I was definitely able to relax this past month (until I returned), which was nice. In reviewing the September goals I set, I didn’t really do the fitness ones. I actually didn’t go to the gym for almost 2 weeks of the month between vacation (read about here, here and here) and coming home with a stomach bug 🙁 but I got back at it at the end of the month.
A quick review of the goals from September:
1) Do a pull up without assistance
I honestly didn’t get to this one. still at 40lbs assistance.
2) Hold plank for 90 seconds
Again I need to work my abs more. I was practicing 60 sec planks though.
1) Read more
I did get more reading time this month, especially when I was able to fully disconnect from everything for a week. That was much needed and I finished my book and started a new one.
2) Meditate
Uh I honestly forgot about this one. I know I need to do it though…
3) Apple Picking
I actually squeezed this one in this month, which I was happy about. The place I went with my friend a week ago was awesome and I am definitely considering taking another ride up there next weekend as long as the weather gets better.
Now that it’s October, time to set some new goals.
1) Make up some new workouts for the gym
I have been following some workouts that Susie made for me a while ago and I have started to try to branch out from those and mix it up. However I really need to write them down. It’s hard to remember my workout list at 5am…
2) Swim once a week
Now that my ear is better and vacation is over I want to get back to swimming once a week. I will probably aim for Friday nights or the weekends for this. I should be able to fit it in once a week though.
1) Paint or carve a pumpkin
I would really love to carve a pumpkin, but I need a better knife that I can cut the top off and such. If not I could always paint a pumpkin again, but I really like carving since then I can wash and roast the seeds.
2) Meditate/Journal
As this month began I have just felt… overwhelmed? Not sure if that is the right word, but I knew there is so much in my head that needs to just come out, but I haven’t put pen to paper yet. I used to write daily and it definitely can help keep me sane, so I need to start making time for that again and possibly 5 min of meditation too. I feel like that will help me find the words I want to say.
Alright I am keeping it simple this month with 2 goals in each category. I think they will be achievable this month.
Do you have any goals you are setting for this month?

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