Bermuda is filled with beautiful beaches and so much fascinating culture and history. Brian and I enjoyed our 5 days on the island, relaxing and learning about its history. The first night we arrived, we ate a bit and then decided to head down to the private beach we had. Private in the sense that it was not open to the public and shared between about 10 houses, but most belonged to corporate people and so they wouldn’t be hanging out on the beach during the weekdays at least. Sunday evening it was us and 4 other people. We were welcomed to Bermuda with calm waters and beautiful weather even though it had briefly rained during our time waiting through customs and getting our ride to our place.
Our first day, I was all excited to get out and explore. Even though I had heard good things about the bus system and getting around, we decided a scooter would be easier for us as we could come and go as we pleased. So we walked down the street to rent a scooter Monday morning and then drove up to the Fantasy and Crystal Caves. This was a must do on our trip and being that it was at the other end of the island near the airport, we decided to do it our first day.
This was my first time going into a cave and we learned about the limestone crystals and how they grow about an inch every 100 years and the stalagmites and stalactites all around us. The caves had crystal clear blue water that you just wanted to jump in. There is nothing that can really live in the water because there is no food for fish.
We first toured Fantasy Cave and saw amazing crystal chandeliers as well as many other crystal formations, new and old. It is crazy to think about how old some of the really thick ones are.
Then we toured the Crystal Cave. Here you walk across floating pontoons so the pathway rises and falls with the tide. The tide is delayed about 55 minutes, so if high tide is at 10, the high tide in the cave is 10:55.
After our tours of the caves, we stopped at the zoo and aquarium. A small zoo and aquarium for a small island, but fun to see the seals and have a lemur walking around in one area.
We then grabbed a late lunch in Hamilton (stay tuned for a food post on Wednesday) and walked around a bit.
We were pretty tired after all the walking and relaxed for the rest of the evening watching a movie before bed.

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I. Can’t. Even.
Aren’t the caves amazing?! I was just in awww looking at everything.