Well we have made it through Monday, so that is good. You know what makes Tuesdays better though? Linking up with Becky for some Treat Yourself Tuesday!! Thanks Becky!!
So I finally did it! I ordered my first Stitch Fix. I have only been reading about this service on blogs for over a year probably. Seeing as I am terrible at fashion, I decided to give it a go. I filled out the extensive survey and I did not know how they would do as I didn’t like many of the options of styles. I really am just a simple person and would love to either live in my workout clothes or jeans and a t-shirt, but sometimes I like to dress up a little more and have something new, but finding it can be quite the battle.
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with my first Stitch Fix. I had mentioned some of my favorite colors and that I wanted some work shirts and a dress.
I received 2 blouses and a skirt.
I loved the color of the blue V neck, but it was super loose and too big, so I returned it. The black blouse was cute and fit pretty well, but I already have a similar black shirt and the price was too much.
Honestly, I am not a fan of skirts. As soon as I saw it, I knew I would return it, but I did try it on. It was also too small.
I also received 2 dresses. I thought the blue printed dress was cute, but was not a fan of the V cut out in the front (which you can’t really see in the pic) and couldn’t see myself wearing it.
Then the one item I kept is this purple faux wrap dress. It is a slip on dress so no zippers (I hate zippers on dresses because they never work well for me lol). I would never have picked this out on my own at the store but it was fun to try something on and see that it looked pretty good. I love the length for the weather right now and think it will be great for an event or just walking on the beach. The price wasn’t too bad at $68 which was another thing I was worried about with Stitch Fix. I don’t shop much and tend to buy things when they are on sale or when I really need them. I think this dress will be something I can wear to a few things I have coming up so I know I will get my money’s worth.
I am not planning to do stitch fix each month and not sure when I will order from them again, but it was fun to receive the package at my door and try things out of my comfort zone. I think when I have events coming up or seasons are changing maybe I will try the service just to expand my wardrobe a bit.
So Stitch Fix was a fun treat for this month. I also ordered some About Time Protein powder and the new Hilary Duff CD.
Unfortunately my package came one day too late for my road trip as I was hoping to have this CD for the car ride. I know no one buys CDs anymore. I haven’t updated my ipod in years. Most of the time I listen to Pandora on my computer when I am home or the radio when I am driving, but I like to have a few CDs for the car as well.
I also made an “emergency” run to Target on Sunday for a new watch. I know it is bad, but I can’t live without wearing a watch and knowing what time it is. The last time my watch broke because it got too much water in it, I had to drive to Target that night to replace it, not kidding! I don’t like to rely on my phone and like having a watch on my wrist. The strap on my watch finally cracked. I think I have had it for over 2 years. I wear it 365 days a year and sometimes sleep with it on. My wrists are so tiny (I can put my thumb and pinky finger together and that fits around my wrist), finding a watch that fits is hard, so I love the Target sports watches. Goodbye old, hello new!
Besides that, my 4th of July trip (which I will finally post more about Thursday) had many food treats, but most importantly, Tim Horton’s. The only time I will eat donuts and bagels, basically, and their iced tea is the best!
Do you shop a lot?
Are you good about going out of your comfort zone and finding clothes?

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I’m getting my first Stitch Fix box in over a year today! Wahoo! Haha – I’m so excited. I love the dress you decided to keep. It looks so good on you!
Thanks Becky! I’m always in need of new dresses and terrible at picking them out so this service was fun