Happy Monday!! Last weekend I was out of town and it was very enjoyable, but I was happy to be back in my own bed this weekend and even got to catch up on some sleep. Even though I was so tired on Friday, I had so much to do and got distracted staying up until 11pm (which is late for me).
Saturday morning I had my alarm set for 7am. It was really hard to get moving and out of bed, but I had to get ready for some SUP yoga with my some of my fellow yogis. I love that we have been getting together once a month. Some were not able to make it, but it was great to see the ones who were and the place was not too far from my apartment. I had no idea there was a beautiful park just a 20 minute drive away and a place to rent SUP or kayaks for an hour. I definitely plan to be heading back there before the summer is over, even just for a walk would be wonderful.
It was my first time doing SUP. We got a quick lesson on how to hold the paddle and then paddled around for a bit before hooking up to a buoy in the water for some yoga on the paddleboards. We really lucked out with the weather. It was such a beautiful day, we all wanted to just stay out there all day and the water felt great! I didn’t fall in, but purposely slid off my board at the end just because the water felt so warm.
Doing yoga on the paddleboards was fine except for anything balancing, like cat-cow crunches…wow those were tough. It was super tough though with all the sunscreen I put on making my board slippery. We did a few sun salutations and then we tried tree pose. Tree pose is one of my favorite poses on the ground, but I only got as far as lifting one foot off the board. Bringing it out to tree? Forget it. HAHA. We then tried crow, which is my favorite arm balance. I think if it weren’t for my slippery sunscreened body, I could have done it. I honestly can’t do crow on solid ground with sunscreen on my legs and arms, so wasn’t too surprised about that one. I did manage to do wheel on the board, but couldn’t lift one leg. I am hoping the guy took a picture of that, but I haven’t received them yet from one of my friends who he was going to send the photos to.

After the morning fun, I ran errands to the post office to drop off my first stitch fix (more on that tomorrow) and headed to Trader Joes and Whole Foods for some groceries. Once I got home and made a smoothie for lunch, still in my swim suit, I got sunscreened up again and headed to the pool.
Then it was time for dinner. Boy did I miss cooking and putting together simple meals. I got some beef from Whole Foods and found some Brussel sprouts in a freezer and had an avocado ready to eat. YUM!! Such a treat, for a homemade, simple meal. I have been eating out for almost a week and really tired of it.
Saturday night I was so tired, it was hard for me to stay awake past 8pm…I know ridiculous. I think my lack of eating and living on protein bars for certain meals while I was traveling probably has something to do with my lack of energy and just not getting enough sleep. I made it till 9 and crashed into bed, no alarm set for Sunday.
Sunday morning I woke up at 7:30, yup, 10 hours of sleep. Much needed! I made pancakes for breakfast and then got ready to catch the 9:20 train to the city. I wanted some time before Yoga on the Banks to do my own flow and warm up. There are these cool giant rocks along the bike path and I have always wanted to play and do some yoga on them. Finally brought my camera for some photos.
Then it was time to assist with Yoga on the Banks. I almost thought I was going to have to teach because the teacher wasn’t there on time, but she got stuck waiting for the train that goes along the bike path. It was a pretty large group and I helped in the back with the people that couldn’t hear what pose we were moving to next.

I finally got home around 2 since my train was a bit late and made another smoothie with some lunch. Then I ran over to Target for a few items and joined LA Fitness next door. There are a few LA Fitness places around me but I happened to be next to one at Target and got a tour of that one which is a little bigger and has super nice locker rooms.
I had canceled my YMCA membership because the location by me was not to my liking and while I am loving Retro Fitness for my 5am workouts, I need a place with a pool as well, so LA Fitness was the next choice. After convincing the guy at LA Fitness to give me half off the joining fee, I am now all signed up with two gyms with tons more space, I am paying $5 less a month than I was just for the YMCA. I can’t wait to get back to weekly swims again now that I have a pool that isn’t crowded and pretty much my own.
I had wanted to go to the pool again Sunday afternoon, but by the time I got back, it was already 4 and I wanted to do some blogging, cleaning and food prep, plus the pool was packed! After being on the go all weekend and traveling for the last week it was nice to have an evening to catch up on things. Now it’s back to work for the week.

Thank you Katie!!

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