Do you ever have those days where things don’t go as planned and then you are like what do I do now? For those of you who don’t know me, I am a planner. I like things to go as scheduled and not change, but lately I have learned that sometimes it is best to just not worry about the plan and just live. Yes, sometimes it is very hard to do, but I definitely think my 100 days of happiness changed the way I think a lot. They say it takes 21 days to start a new habit. At least that is what I have heard. I guess when you do something for 100 days, it really sticks haha. Anyway I mentioned on Thursday last week that I was going to go register my car this weekend and become a resident of PA like officially, but that changed quickly.
Saturday morning I headed out to what I thought was the place to get both my license and registration done. Then I learned I had to get my license elsewhere which was like 12 miles from that location. So I headed out for a drive down some new to me roads and eventually wound up in Media, PA at a mall and the DMV was located behind it. I finally find the DMV hidden behind the grocery store next to the mall and then I head in and the guy asks if I have the form, check, ID, check, social security card….uhhh no. When I was looking for jobs, I just needed a passport to count as my 2 IDs, but apparently driver’s license are different. I can’t even remember if we used my social security card when I got my drivers license originally. Well anyway without my social security card, no license for me. I have to get it from my parents eventually and next weekend I start yoga teacher training, so I will have to do the whole registration on one of my off weekends. Hopefully in 2 weeks we will try again and succeed. I will let you know.
Well since I drove out all that way and was next to Kohls and a grocery store. I picked up a pumpkin and some $1 avocados, SCORE!
Then I think I somehow spent an hour in Kohls. I haven’t been to Kohl’s in ages because well I think I was at the closest Kohl’s and it’s in the opposite way of my usual stores that I go to, so I hadn’t made it out there yet. I think I made out quite well with a couple shirts for myself and some Christmas shopping. However I still don’t understand their sizing. I was definitely shopping in the juniors section trying on a few different sweaters. Can we talk about how this was a size small in Juniors and still baggy?? I mean I think that is the style of the sweater but still…I guess you can’t tell much in the photo, but the sides were just too large for me. The arms fit perfectly.
Then I found the sweaters I purchased, where a small was too small (this is why I can’t shop online anywhere…), so next size up for these and they were too comfy to pass up. I think they will work nicely for the office as well. I got this color and one in red, which I think will be perfect for Christmas. (I know it isn’t even Halloween yet, but somehow I have Christmas on my mind right now). [side note: if you ever look at my closet and look at my work shirts, I think nearly half of them are in a blue/teal color. It just goes some well with my eyes…]
I was checking out at Kohls and of course was asked to sign up for the store credit card which I only did because I saved 30% by signing up and coupons in the mail are nice too. They also have a new rewards program where you don’t even need a Kohls card. It’s called Yes 2 You rewards. You get 1 point for every dollar you spend and once you reach 100, you get a $5 coupon. Pretty nice, especially since I am already half way there [actually I just got 100 bonus points for linking it to my new Kohls card, guess I will have $5 for November]. I also got a $10 Kohls cash to spend in 2 weeks. Good thing I plan to go get my license in 2 weeks. Not sure what I will buy, probably another gift or more socks for myself. I swear I buy socks and then I do laundry and wonder where all my socks went.
By the time I got home, it was already noon. I had a quick lunch before heading out to Wegmans for my weekly groceries. After putting the groceries away and hanging out for a bit, I decided I needed to enjoy the weather. After train “surfing” (the train was super crowded and I was literally being held up by people most of my ride home) on Thursday evening, my left arch of my foot has been hurting so I have been wanting to let it rest to recover so I got out my bike and road to the park. It was very windy but about 70 degrees and beautiful outside. Though the clouds hit when I got to the park and I thought it might rain, but it was just stayed cloudy. I did get in some nice yoga though at the park for a while and enjoyed all the colorful leaves.
I think that will probably be my last bike ride till Spring. I need to get a bike pump because the tires are super low and I don’t like to ride in the cold anyway which is coming too quickly.
Saturday evening was spent making some iced tea and dinner. Then watching some Harry Potter. I don’t have cable, but I heard it’s Harry Potter weekend. Good thing I own all the DVDs and took them with me.
Sunday was a fairly relaxing day. I slept until about 8am, made a delicious pancake breakfast while reading some blogs in the morning. I also lit a pumpkin spice candle made by my friend who just got married. The candles were our little gifts to take. Awesome idea, especially all the Fall scents!!
Then I headed to the gym to get a weight workout in before heading to Target and Michael’s for a few things. Well once again things did not go as planned because when I returned from the stores, my street was entirely blocked off with police and firetrucks. I parked at the library which is around the corner and walked to my apartment with my bags to see what was going on. Some of the kids were playing outside so I asked them what happened. A house caught fire when a woman left something on in the kitchen and the fireman were still making sure all the hot spots were out when I got there. I put my stuff inside and grabbed an apple to munch on while I watched the firemen for about 15 minutes as they were cleaning up. I heard that everyone who lives in the house was ok, but I do think they took someone in the ambulance.
Luckily most of the fire was put out by the time I got back and it wasn’t too long before all 4 of the firetrucks left and the police unblocked the streets. So then I quickly walked back to my car and drove it around the block to my parking spot. Then it was time to return to my plans of meal prepping and painting my pumpkin. I wanted to carve my pumpkin but it was going to be messy and I didn’t have good supplies for carving, so I decided to have some fun painting this year. While my veggies were roasting in the oven, I painted. It worked out really well, time wise. By the time I was done with the oven, the paint had dried and I quickly went outside to get some photos before the sun went down.
Yes I had some fun with the pumpkin photos. Here is my absolute favorite though. Peaceful picture with my Om yoga symbol.
I think I made use of my time very well this weekend, seeing as it was my last weekend before yoga teacher training begins to really take over my time. In 4 days I will have my first 3 hours of yoga teacher training. I can’t believe how quickly it has come and I can’t wait for the journey to begin.
Thank you Katie for hosting. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend as well. Temperatures are finally cooling down here which makes my apartment the perfect temp, however I am not looking forward to the frost advisories I hear are coming up this week.

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Even though your morning didn’t go as planned, it sure sounds like there was nothing some retail therapy couldn’t fix 🙂
HAHA yes Jessie, shopping was fun and made my trip worthwhile.
Ahhh DMV stuff can be so frustrating! I just got married this year and changing my name in so many places was crazy! I had to go to the DMV twice!
Ah yes the things I don’t look forward to after getting married haha. The other thing is I plan to move when my lease is up at the end of March and then I will have to change my address on my drivers license. Oh well…such is life.