(first published on blogspot on June 3, 2014)
In the last week, there have been a lot of treats for myself so it was only fitting that I join Becky this week for Treat Yourself Tuesday.
First, going back about 8 days, it was memorial day, so I went to the mall and finally picked out some sheets for our new Queen sized mattress. Before, I was just using a fuzzy blanket. To be honest I was never really a sheet person. Of course I had the fitted sheet, but sleeping under the top sheet I was never really a fan of. I like blankets more. But these sheets which were over 50% off thanks to Macys morning special and they are so silky soft and so comfy. Now I wonder how I slept without them.
Also at Macys I picked up a 10 piece Pyrex set. As much as I love Tupperware, I also have been waiting for the day that I had my own place so I could have some Pyrex glass dishes around with lids to store things in and easily heat things up in the microwave. I just feel like they get clean better and look prettier with all the different color lids LOL.
Now onto the exciting news, which I think I already mentioned, but I will be starting a job in 13 days!! I had my first interview with them about two weeks ago and then was called back for a second interview. Before heading down to the city for my second interview I saw that Love Park Philadelphia was near by the office building and decided to take a walk there after my interview was over. I happened to be there at lunch time and there were a couple food trucks and a cupcake truck. I wasn’t a fan of the food options from the actual food trucks, but I love trying new cupcake places, so Cupcake Carnivale was my new cupcake place to try. I got a simple vanilla cupcake and also a red velvet cake ball which is basically a cake pop without the stick. I enjoyed them by the fountain at Love park and then took the train home.
Wednesday was a great day! I had a phone interview which meant I didn’t have to leave the apartment, but it also meant that I was pacing the apartment waiting for the call. The phone interview was simple and literally less than 10 minutes after that phone interview I got an offer from the company I had had a second interview at. I accepted right away knowing how much I wanted it. So I was so excited and unfortunately had no one to celebrate with, but I walked to Starbucks and got myself an iced tea and a piece of delicious pumpkin bread.
Thursday was a lovely fill out all the paperwork day. I got the acceptance letter, but I had no way to scan it and unfortunately the library has no scanner or fax. I ended up paying over $2 a page to fax the 3 pages to my dad to email to me to then send back to the company. Knowing there were many more pages of paperwork to come, my boyfriend convinced me to go out to buy a scanner, so I guess you could say that was a treat to have a scanner.
I went to MicroCenter and TJ Maxx was next store so then I browsed there and left with Chia seeds and lemongrass essential oil. I have been hearing about essential oils a lot lately from other blogs and have been interested in trying them.
Friday, my treat was spending over an hour laying outside in the sun.
I got a little sunburned, but oh well. I enjoyed my sun time after the last few rainy, cloudy and cold days we had. In the evening, I headed home for the weekend for my sister’s graduation which I recapped yesterday.
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!! I am enjoying as much outside time as I can before I start my new job in less than 2 weeks. EEEKKK!!

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