You can find parts 1 and 2 here.
On Friday we had time to grab some breakfast in town and then packed up the car to get on the road. We stopped in Bath, Maine, grabbed some lunch which were just some sandwiches and then went to the Maritime Maine Museum. We arrived just in time for a tour. Although it was rain off and on for the day, we lucked out by the time we were in Bath.
I had never been to a Maritime Museum that I recall, so it was interesting. It was also cool seeing one of the lighthouse lenses after being on the lighthouse tour just the day before.
After a couple hours there, we headed to Freeport, Maine to visit the L L Bean flagship store again. I ended up finding some comfy lightweight hiking pants.
Then we were off to Portland, Maine. The main reason for stopping was a brewery for Brian, but then we found out they were closed for an event. Since I was indecisive on dinner and thirsty, I pulled into a grocery store on the way. I made a salad from a salad bar and got some liter bottles of flavored sparkling water. Well I went to open one as I got into the driver’s seat of my car and it was like a volcano. All over my pants and car. Thankfully it was the zero sugar ones and I was just laughing. OMG this trip. I don’t know what was with me. I was just feeling off. Brian was like, did you feel the bottle before opening it? Umm I don’t get sparkling water often so clearly no. I have now learned…
Anyway I continued driving to Portland with my pants all soaked from that. What was left of the sparkling water was good though. Brian ended up finding some food trucks that we could stop at which were at a park with a water view. I had my salad and Brian got some Mexican food. We were almost done eating when rain came in and poured.
We ran to the car and finished eating. Then we headed a few block over to stop at a fully vegan ice cream place, Sticky Sweet. We only knew to look for this thanks to some Maine Magazines from Brian’s aunt. The one place we stopped at thanks to the magazines. It was definitely worth it though. I had the pumpkin ginger ice cream. The ice cream was a blend of cashew and coconut milk and it had a really good texture. I would definitely get again.
While we were in the Portland area, we had to stop at some sort of brewery. Brian found Urban Farm Fermentory Brewing Co. It was a place to satisfy both Brian and me. I tasted a few Kombucha’s and Brian tasted some cider and Kombucha. We ended up buying a lemongrass kombucha growler. I enjoyed a cup of that for a few nights after we returned home. The guy was even telling me how I could make my own kombucha. Maybe one day.
We then had 1 more hour of driving to arrive at our hotel in York, Maine. It was a full day and I was ready to crash, but Brian convinced me to get my swimsuit on and check out the amazing pool at our hotel. It was a bit chilly for a dip in the pool outside. We did briefly go in the inside pool. Then we moved to the outdoor hot tub. It has started raining so the person who was in it left, but the chilly rain and hot tub wasn’t so bad. Eventually 2 more couples joined and we were talking all about travels until they kicked us out of the hot tub around 9:30pm. The outdoor hot tub usually closes at 9 so we couldn’t complain.
Saturday morning we enjoyed a walk on the beach and breakfast across the street from the restaurant.
Then it was a day of driving. I drove the entire time somehow too. We stopped in Albany for lunch and managed to get home around 5pm. It was good to arrive home on Saturday so I had time to unpack and do laundry. I wish I had more down time, but I knew my email would be crazy and worked for a few hours on Sunday. Sunday afternoon was nice though as we attended a co worker’s daughter’s birthday party and it was another beautiful day. We have really lucked out on weather lately for Fall. I am soaking up all the sunshine I can.
So there was our crazy whirlwind of a trip. It was still quite a bit of driving but we were able to explore more of Bar Harbor this time around. Also the beach in York, Maine looks amazing so next time I would love to spend more time in Portland and York Maine.
Have you ever been to Maine?
Do you enjoy road trips?

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