It was a wonderful relaxing weekend without any homework to do. My friend Ashley has been quarantining in New York with her family and we decided to meet at Watkins Glen State Park. I have driven by the park many times, but never stopped to walk the trail. The Gorge Trail leads to Rainbow Falls which seems to be the popular trail. Honestly there were so many people on the trail and it was crowded. I didn’t stop to take too many pictures as people were stopping along the trail and holding people up. Plus, I didn’t want to stand next to too many people at once. I didn’t realize that the trail was mostly steps ,so it was basically a mile or more of steps. My Garmin automatically sets my stair goal to 10 flights and I got 40 flights hiking the trail. I definitely got in a workout and while wearing a mask, I started to sweat a bit. However, the weather was beautiful mid morning as we hiked up. It was cloudy but warm, probably about 80 degrees.

We came back down on the South Rim Trail and that was flatter and had less people so at parts we took photos and took off our masks if no one was around us.

Watkins Glen also has a pool, but by the time we got back down to the main entrance, we decided to grab a late lunch in town. Brian and I had stopped at a BBQ place back in December when we were passing through so we went there. The outdoor seating was full, but their door and windows were open with a breeze you could feel. The tables were spaced far apart and we felt ok dining in. It is definitely still weird to dine inside a restaurant as you try to take all precautions. We both got combo platters with a meat and sides. We also started with fried pickles which were delicious.

We were non stop chatting and sharing stories and it was so nice to be out in nature and also with a friend for part of the day. After eating, we headed back to our cars to drive to our respective houses. It was an hour and a half drive for me. I decided to stop at Wegmans on my way back since I didn’t go in the morning and picked up some things. When I got home, I had a slight headache, which grew worse in the evening. I was pretty sure it was from my lack of not drinking enough water and my car said it was 90 degrees when I left the park. We were happy we hiked in the late morning since it was cooler with the cloud cover before the sun came out. I spent the evening just relaxing on the couch, taking a mini nap for my head and then around 8pm, I moved into bed to read until 9. I was deep into a book that I was trying to finish, but ultimately I chose to sleep shortly after 9.

Sunday morning I was up bright and early without an alarm. I think my mini nap affected my sleeping in. After tossing and turning a bunch, at 5:45am, I just decided to get up. I decided to make some lemon water and honey because my stomach just felt off and I relaxed on the couch doing my 10 minute meditation and then reading. I then made some toast and bacon for breakfast and finished my book shortly after Brian got up.
At 8am, I went out to the back porch to workout. I had Brian assist me as I wanted to do some glute bridges with the barbell, but my weights are light so I needed some help getting set up for my sets. Plus, it makes Brian work a little haha. I definitely miss our Sunday morning workouts at the gym together. At this point I am really thinking I will need to get a squat rack and bench as we set up the garage for a workout area for winter.
Most of Sunday was laid back without plans (as Sundays should be). I did some much needed cleaning around the house and caught up with my sister on Facetime. We try to Facetime each weekend, which has been nice. In the afternoon, it was time to start reading the newest Twilight Book, Midnight Sun. I preordered it and it arrived last week. I am hoping to finish it before my fall classes begin and then mail it off to my sister to add to her Twilight collection and read.

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