The title of this post is kinda a hodgepodge of the first week of March. After last weekend’s fun adventures on Saturday, I started to feel a sore throat and that turned into a full blown cold of a stuffy nose and also issues with my stomach. I didn’t have a fever and still made it through the work week for month end duties. It was a LONG week though. Also it was the weirdest thing how my body just didn’t want anything to do with meat. I didn’t have much of an appetite but still was able to eat. After having chicken on my salad on Monday for lunch though, my stomach felt awful. I basically lived on carbs in the week. When I ate toast, oatmeal and even almond butter pancakes in the morning, I was fine. It was always a couple hours after lunch, my stomach would start to feel crampy and I even switched things up with salad, pasta and veggies. So I basically went vegetarian for about 5 full days, finally eating meat again on Saturday afternoon. I lived on minestrone soup, crackers, chickpea pasta and a stir fry cauliflower rice with veggies. It seemed that cooked veggies actually settled better with my stomach.

By Friday I was feeling the best I had all week and finally had energy after work too. Thank goodness I have been ahead on my school work and didn’t have too much to worry about last week so Brian and I started a Harry Potter marathon. We got through 2 movies last week and started the third yesterday.
Saturday morning I couldn’t sleep in. I was up at 5am with a very stuffy nose and needing water for my throat. Also if you haven’t tried a sinus rinse when having a cold, it’s a love/hate kinda thing, but I really believe it has helped my ears drain as well. I have been doing it 1-2 times a day and it saves from using many tissues.
With being up so early on Saturday, I made a spinach-banana-avocado smoothie for breakfast and then got right to doing some homework because it was on my mind and I finally felt productive.
I have now finished my one class’s assignments through March except for a group project I am working on. It feels so amazing to be so ahead and be able to relax and do other things. Shortly after Brian got up we went to the gym. I took a week off from the gym so I decided to ease back and just “play” around doing hip thrusts and pull ups with the band and tons of stretching. It felt good to be back and just to be able to breathe again through my nose.
After the gym I headed right to Wegmans, came home and made the most beautiful sandwich. I was craving a ham and provolone sandwich (I don’t eat cheese often, but when I crave it, I don’t deny it) and I even toasted up the bread in a pan. It really hit the spot! Also first meat in 5 days and my stomach was finally accepting of it.
In the afternoon, I got some sad news that my cat, Tom, with my parents was being put down. He hadn’t been doing well and wasn’t eating and maybe had a heart condition. He was around 16-17 years old as we got him from a shelter and he was about a year when we got him I believe. He had a good life but will be missed for sure.

Saturday afternoon was super sunny and I enjoyed relaxing on the couch with Brian. I did some more homework (to get ahead) and then Brian cooked pork tenderloins I picked up at the store for dinner. Shortly after dinner, we headed to the movies to see Emma. Honestly the ads win on this one because I didn’t know about the movie until I kept seeing ads for it on websites I was on. It’s based on a Jane Austen book and I remember enjoying some of her books in school and we had gift cards to use from Christmas for the movie theater. It was pretty good, but I can definitely agree with Brian that I got a little lost on who was who at some points. I am kinda curious on reading the book now.

As soon as we arrived home from the movies, it was 9pm and I was up early so I headed right to bed. Plus we would lose an hour on Sunday anyway.
Sunday morning I really slept in until a bit after 8am (well the new 8am). I made delicious French toast for breakfast since I had bread from making a sandwich. The kiwis at the store have also been looking great and I know they are high in vitamin C so I had one with breakfast.
In the morning I worked on my school project and then around lunch time Brian and I got spiedie salads for lunch and then went for a long walk at the nearby start park. We walked just over 3 miles around the park and it was nice to be out in nature when it was sunny and about 50 degrees. I can’t wait for the other trails to open and hope we can do more hiking this summer.
I decided to make some cookies for Sunday dinner and had them fresh out of the oven just before leaving. After dinner, Brian and I came home and watched Harry Potter and relaxed for the rest of the evening before the work week starts again. It was nice to have the daylight last into the evening even if the mornings will be dark again for a bit.

Overall it was a nice productive and relaxing weekend. This week is spring break for classes so I don’t have anything due, but want to continue to get ahead where I can because I know April will be busy with my birthday travels and a few big projects due back to back.

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