Hello Hello!! July has flown by and this is officially my last week of summer classes. Well technically they go for another week and a half but I am hoping to finish my finals next weekend and be done by Sunday. Then I can sit back and relax for about 3 weeks and hopefully get some house projects done to prepare for our reception party.
This week we got a nice wedding gift of some new plates. The original plates I had picked out for my wedding registry were no longer available so I had deleted them from my registry. I was going to just be content with my college dishes for a bit, but then I picked out this Kate Spade set for a family friend to buy us. It’s even more exciting to have a full set of 8 as I previously only had 4 and even with 2 people we go through the 4 plates quickly. I’m not really familiar with buying dishware so I was surprised to see all the boxes and how each plate setting came in its own box, which makes sense because they sell them individually as well. The stack nearly came to my shoulders it was so tall.
I thought I’d do a bit of a different weekend post and share my eats from Saturday. Brian left early for a diving weekend so he woke up at 4am and left around 5:30. I was somehow wide awake at 5 so I just got out of bed right before he left. I had signed up for an 8:45 yoga class, but since I woke up so early it gave me time to reorganize the cupboard with my new plates, do laundry, make breakfast and go to Wegmans all by 7am!! I then just cleaned up around the house for a bit before going to yoga.

The yoga class was challenging which was good. I felt like it was a great workout and I was so productive before yoga so it was a good morning. I stopped by the farmer’s market on the way home and I saw some scones that caught my eye. I haven’t had a scone in a while so I had to buy one.
I had an early lunch at 11 once I got home, assembling some leftovers from the past couple days: steak, potatoes and zucchini fries. I also got some fresh Parmesan cheese at Wegmans so I sliced some of that up and it was a great filling lunch, ending with the scone of course.
That kept me full till 5pm and I wasn’t even that hungry then. Usually on weekends I tend to snack eat instead of eating full meals, but Saturday I had some pretty full and satisfying meals. I was also on a roll with productivity on Saturday and worked diligently on homework for a while with a quiet house.
For dinner, I made some cauliflower rice with veggies. I got some giant rainbow carrots and small onions in my Misfits box this week and had cauliflower rice in the freezer. I also added in a couple eggs for extra protein and flavored with sesame oil and coconut aminos. I switched to using coconut aminos instead of soy sauce because last time we made a cauliflower rice with soy sauce I got quite the upset stomach. I have noticed sometimes tofu seems to do that as well so I am thinking it was the soy sauce. I think I have a slight sensitivity to soy, mostly in large amounts, I’m not sure. I eat edamame and am fine, but lately have stayed away from tofu and soy sauce. I think the important thing is to not overdo foods and sometimes a break helps.
I also heated up some chicken we made last week to add into my cauliflower rice mix. I felt I put too much on my plate, but I ate it and then followed up with a few chocolate chips and popcorn. I was craving some popcorn this week and picked it up at Wegmans finally.
So while I was making dinner, it started pouring outside basically out of nowhere. I had no idea it was supposed to rain and I pulled up the radar and it was like the tiniest spot of rain, like maybe just over my neighborhood lol. The rain quickly passed as expected and the sun came out and I could see steam coming off the pavement where the sun was hitting. It was humid and felt like a Florida rain outside. I decided to go for a walk (which was actually my second walk of the day because I took an afternoon walk to break up my homework time). I walked until I reached my 10,000 steps and then I decided to crash on the couch and snack on some crackers too. Oh and I had a kombucha mid afternoon too.
Overall I was pretty full from all the food I ate. I’ve been loosely tracking my meals to make sure I am getting enough protein. I have noticed slower recovery lately from workouts and I think my protein is lacking. I didn’t really track after breakfast on Saturday though lol. I just try to incorporate a good portion of protein with each meal and have been adding in collagen more lately to my diet again to amp up the protein. This week as far as workouts go, I will probably just do some yoga videos at home in the morning. I learned last semester that having a slower morning with some movement helped during my crazy study/finals week, especially with working during the day and this week being month end, I will have a late night at work Wednesday. A slower morning before crazy work days will be nice and hopefully help me focus on studying too. Also while the temps are in the 70s and 80s again, walks are nice to ease my mind.

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