And just like that, we are halfway through 2019. I really don’t know where this year is going. I was just reflecting this weekend and thinking how I’m 29 years old and that’s still weird to say. I don’t feel that old (which is probably a good thing). Friday was month end at work, but we actually got a great early start so it was shortly after 5 that I was able to leave. I had dinner at home and then Brian and I went to see Secret Life of Pets 2 which was really good. Next on my movie list is Toy Story 4, maybe next weekend.

Once we got home, it was time for bed for both of us (an old married couple already lol). Saturday morning I enjoyed sleeping in. Somehow Brian was awake before me, though he didn’t get out of bed. I enjoyed laying in bed until 7. Brian recently bought black out blinds for the bedroom so that helps with sleeping in, but I have mixed feelings about them since I enjoy waking up to the sun. It was nice to sleep without an alarm though. I had some breakfast and shortly after 8 I headed out to yoga. I haven’t made it to many yoga classes lately with all my homework, but trying to do some at home when I can. I enjoyed the class as it challenged me, holding poses for longer than I would on my own and really giving my arms and shoulders a workout.
After yoga, I headed to Target and Wegmans. I picked up some sushi for Brian and I for lunch and we enjoyed the afternoon and evening at home. Our neighbors were having a graduation party from 2pm onward so our street filled up with cars and it was nice that we stayed in. My homework load is finally light this holiday week, so I actually used the time to get a jump start on the following week’s homework. The last week of classes in the first week of August will be crazy with having homework assignments and finals so I feel the jump start now will be good.
I decided to make some sugar cookies and use my wedding cake cookie cutter. I want to make some sort of cookie table for our August reception so this was a test. They turned out delicious and I will frost them when I make them for the reception. The only downside was using the oven because it was 90 degrees out and we only have an AC unit in our bedroom, so the house was about 80 degrees.
Saturday night, I made dinner while Brian was napping. I made turkey burgers, but this time I cooked the bacon and onions first before mixing them in. It seemed to add more flavor, but the bacon was light so I need more next time. I also cooked up some potatoes. I will soon be talking about our latest vegetable delivery that I am loving, but we got some good small potatoes I sliced up and cooked like potato chips but without frying. I also topped my burger with a bit of avocado as I had a half to use up.
Sunday morning was time with Brian. We ate breakfast and then headed to the gym together. It was my first time doing squats in a couple weeks as I ordered a size up in my knee sleeves and was waiting on those. Then Brian wanted to go for a walk. Sunday was only a high of 72 and the coolest day of the week so it was actually perfect for a walk.
We then were going to head to Dunkin for iced teas, but the line was crazy so we drove a little farther to Tim Horton’s and as we pulled in, I was thinking a donut would be good. For some reason I can’t eat Dunkin Donuts because they make me feel sick, but Tim Horton’s donuts don’t. I don’t know what the difference is, but my donut was delicious. Also, I have found that Tim Horton’s iced tea taste better and is cheaper for the same size, so worth the extra 5-10 minute drive.
We came home and Brian experimented with some stir fry making, first ricing some cauliflower and then mixing in ground pork, eggs and frozen peas. We also used coconut aminos for a soy sauce replacement this time. Last time he made a similar dish, I had quite an upset stomach after and I think soy sauce could have been a culprit, but I had also not eaten my normal foods that day so it could have been other factors, but played it safer this time. It was funny to watch Brian cook in the pan outside with his turkey fryer burner, but it was also nice to not heat up the house too much. The cool and windy day was perfect for opening the windows and cool the house down to 75 which was better than 80 the previous day.
My afternoon began with the only thing on my agenda for the weekend which was my supply chain simulation. It was kind of like playing an online game (except that I am graded on it), where there are 4 “players”; manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler and retailer, and your only job is to place an order and see how it affects the supply chain. It was quite interesting as I quickly learned, do not place high orders as the object is to keep the lowest inventory without too many backorders either. I definitely learned a lot doing it and it was interesting as we didn’t know who the other players were or what they were ordering until it came to my turn. I then did a short write up of my strategy, which developed as the game went on. Now I am free of homework for a week before the last 4 weeks of classes sneak up on me. It will be nice to enjoy my day off on July 4th. Work will be busy this week with month end and losing a day on Thursday, but that will also make the work day go by more quickly and at least I can focus on the first 3 days and then have a day off and then work Friday and weekend. It already seems so fast!
I even had time for yoga play!!
Any plans for the 4th of July?

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It was good to catch up with you reading your blog. Maybe Dad and I will go to the fireworks on Thursday. Love, Mom