This weekend was the perfect mix of busy and relaxing, if that’s a thing. Friday morning I had gotten up early before work because the exam questions for my stats class were finally up. It felt good to get some work on them before work. I had planned to get back to doing them Friday evening, but then decided to be lazy, have dinner and go to bed early.
After a nice long 10 hours of sleep, I woke up refreshed on Saturday. Brian was heading to visit his mom so I had the house to myself. I left around 8am and went to a yoga class. It was a great class. I got to meet a few new people who were checking out the studio and chat for a while and also learned a new trick. Try doing tree pose in a side plank and keeping that leg up while flowing through a vinyasa. I would collapse in the vinyasa in class, but I did it again at home on Sunday and held it, which was fun. I posted a video on my other Instagram account @ilabk if you want to check it out. I love learning new tricks and being challenged in a yoga class.
Since the yoga studio is located across the street from the Target plaza, it was perfect to stop there after for a few items. I got some travel items for my upcoming wedding and honeymoon. Then I made a quick stop at Staples for some school supplies to prepare for summer classes. One book I ordered came as a loose leaf so I needed a binder. I think the loose-leaf means it costs less, but still $100 for the book and I still had to buy a binder, so expensive.
Finally I stopped to get groceries and Wegmans was an absolute madhouse. I know it was late morning Saturday, but just the week before I had been around the same time and it was not like this. I even had to wait for a cart. I think it had something to do with the plastic bag collection they were doing. Wegmans in NY plans to go plastic free by the end of this year so Saturday they were collecting plastic bags and giving each customer a coupon for a free reusable bag if you brought in plastic bags. I followed my usual route through the store but had some cart traffic jams for sure. If I passed something and had to turn around, it was the worst!
I finally made it home and it was the perfect lunch time. I decided to be like a kid and make a snack plate with goldfish crackers included. I’ve been wanting goldfish lately so I grabbed a bag at Target. Don’t you love when you are craving something and get it and it’s just so satisfying?! Also this is my favorite weekend lunch: ham, cheese, crackers and something salty like goldfish or pretzels. It was perfect!
Luckily I got all my errands out of the way Saturday morning so then the afternoon was spent running through my stats problems and getting all the information I needed for the exam. Then it was time to make hamburgers for dinner followed by banana bread for dessert because I loved the recipe I found a couple weeks ago and I had some bananas to use.
I winded down the evening with The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 movie before heading to bed.
Sunday morning I was up early and after having a quick breakfast, it was time to take my stats exam to get that out of the way. I took my time going through the questions, but there were definitely some tricky ones. I was upset I didn’t do as well as previous exams but my grade is not definite yet as the teacher goes through and sometimes awards partial credit and gives points for showing work that we attach at the end. The best part was, the exam was done!
Next it was time to head to the gym. I decided to work on squats and deadlifts. Not following a real plan right now, but my goal is to write up my next workout plan in the next week for after the wedding. It still feels good to go to the gym and lift.
The rest of Sunday was pretty laid back. I caught up on some youtube videos and did a little yoga. Once my group project was submitted for stats, I celebrated by taking a nice hot bath and using the bath bomb I got at my bridal shower. It smelled good and I forgot how fun bath bombs are.

I started gathering a pile of things to pack for our wedding. I don’t want to forget anything and I also need to make sure my suitcase stays under the weight limit thinking about all the things I need to bring.
I am excited to be done with another semester. I don’t have my final grades yet and don’t expect those until sometime next week, but at this point, I can’t change anything so time to enjoy a little downtime before the wedding. I have 2 weeks of freedom and then my summer classes start the week of our honeymoon so I will check into them while we are away, but hopefully the first week won’t have too much work.
The weather here over the weekend was 40 with snow flurries and I just feel like we are going backwards because last weekend was 70 and beautiful. I can’t wait for some beach time and shorts weather and vacation. My wedding and honeymoon is my first week off work since last August and that week was for school, so I’m excited to enjoy a week on the beach and some time with friends before my wedding.

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