Hello lovelies!! Is that a good intro? LOL. I am sitting here watching the snow fall outside. It’s actually the pretty snow where you feel like you are in a snow globe and the streets are staying pretty clear so far. After last week’s snowstorm, the snow is sticking around for a while. The next few days are going to be chilly with the lows around 0 and -4 F and about half to an inch of snow a day to come. That seems pretty manageable though and shouldn’t interfere with my morning gym schedule at least. It will be another month end this week for work so time for another crazy busy two weeks probably. Honestly January has gone by quickly for me. Between being busy at work and having school stuff to work on, I have had plenty to do. I know February will be even more busy with school stuff so I am enjoying the somewhat slow pace at the moment.
Lately there have been a few things I am really loving and wanted to share.
Firstly, these hair ties. I haven’t really branched out from a standard hair tie in a while and it was buy one get one 50% off at CVS when I picked some up so I decided to try something new and I have to say I am impressed with these braided ones.
My obsession from the weekend is my Ganesha Wall Sticker. I really wanted my office/yoga space to have a yoga studio feel to it and learning about Ganesha in yoga teacher training really stuck with me. He is the Hindu god that is the remover of obstacles, but is also known to place obstacles in your path that you need to work through. Having him on my wall reminds me that I have faced many obstacles and worked hard and in a weird way, it calms me to have him there. Looks so amazing on the bright green wall too. I got the sticker from Etsy. There are tons of different styles to choose from.
This weekend I started the Curly Girl Method for my hair. For the last two years, I have only washed my hair with shampoo and only 2-3 times a week. This started when I was backpacking because I didn’t want to carry shampoo and conditioner with me. It seemed to work just fine and my hair adjusted after a while of being oily. However, reading about the curly girl method, you only use conditioner 1-2 times a week or an approved co wash. You also use gel in your hair after a shower to keep the curls going. My hair is naturally curly so this method makes sense and I am trying it out. I plan to report back in a month.
I went to the gym on Sunday with Brian. I started a new workout routine so I was actually excited about lifting. For the past couple weeks I have felt bored doing the same things and also feeling stuck with my weights. I’m excited for this new program I created and less reps and more sets to increase my weights. I did squats at 135lbs which is my current PR so hoping to break that next week, bench at 80lbs (lighter for a wide grip, current bench PR is 100lbs) and pause deadlifts I kept light at 145lbs. As Brian was working on his deadlifts, he left 185lbs on the bar and asked me to try it. My PR was 165lbs recently. I wasn’t sure how 185 would feel, but I lifted it off the ground just fine, setting a new one rep max for myself. My goal is to break 200lbs for my one rep max for my meet in April. I think I am on my way towards that and that made me feel more confident.
Slow cooking in my Instant Pot has been fun to try out. Since I only had a small crockpot before, I was limited for my slow cooked meals, but with the instant pot, I can make more. I have also decided that slow cooked shredded chicken turns out better than the high pressure method, so I am still slow cooking chicken for 6 hours on the weekend for lunches during the week.
Also still obsessed with the best Christmas present to myself, the R8 Roller. It’s so amazing for squat recovery.
What are you loving lately?

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I’m glad you enjoy working out! I have to force myself to go. I’m going this morning. My class for tonight got cancelled due to the frigid temperatures. Maybe I need a Ganesha wall sticker to inspire me! Is the sticker clear and your wall painted green? Love, Mom
the sticker is just an outline, the black part