What a weekend. I basically had dedicated this weekend to homework and while I did some homework, I also did a lot more plus a lot more laying around relaxing. Last weekend, Brian was home and coming down with a cold that knocked him out pretty good. I thought I had avoided it somehow but nope, by Thursday I had a sore throat. I don’t think I got it as bad as him, but sore throats are the worst because you want to sleep and it’s so tough with a dry sore throat. I powered through my gym workout Thursday morning, but decided to sleep in a bit on Friday. Actually my “sleep in” was 5:30am because I decided to break my no tv during the week rule and watch This is Us on Friday morning before work, followed by an episode of Full House because I had the time and wished I could have stayed on the couch all day, but you know, work to go to. While Friday felt like a somewhat long day at work, it wasn’t bad overall because I am learning new stuff to cover for a co worker going on maternity leave soon, so I was busy all day and was able to leave at 4:30.
I got home and was motivated to work on sorting beanie babies. After eating some dinner, I laid down two blankets and made two piles, keep and get rid of. My keep is basically double the size of the get rid of, but hey it’s progress. While I sorted, I had Brady Bunch on, so I was totally having all the flashbacks to 90s beanie babies and watching Brady Bunch re runs. Obviously I did not grow up when Brady Bunch was on, but my mom did and I love the old shows like Brady Bunch and Bewitched that used to be on Nick at Nite when that was a thing. Good ol’ days. Oh and I loved how I was able to pull a beanie baby out of my bin and immediately remember its’ name before even opening the tag.
So then I was doing beanie baby research on Google and Ebay. Basically it comes down to if you have a beanie baby with a typo on the tag somewhere, it could be worth a lot. Unfortunately the popular ones like Valentino and Princess Diane beanies I do have, do not have typos so they are only worth $5-10. Though I consider it a win if I can get $5 for a beanie baby because that’s usually what they cost back in the 90s and that’s better than a dollar I guess like some. Basically, they aren’t worth much, so I will put in the Ebay effort for some, maybe group lots together and then have to drop off the rest somewhere I suppose. Oh and it turns out I have 150 beanie babies and that doesn’t include all the mini mcdonald’s ones and teenie beanies and jingle beanies I have. I only counted the regular size one. I had 96 in the keep pile and 54 in the get rid of pile. Basically any bit is progress and since they have been in a bin for 4 years without being opened, it’s obvious I can live without them, but I just can’t part with some of the bear sets and the original cats yet, so I am keeping those.
I went to bed around 10 on Friday night and guess what? I somehow slept until 9am!! WHAT!! This is unheard of for me, but I did wake up a couple times coughing and managed to fall back asleep in the early morning. When I saw it was 9am, I knew I had to get out of bed. I hate missing out on the morning, but to be honest, I still wasn’t energized. I made breakfast and immediately started laundry though. By noon, I had done 2 loads of laundry, showered, and shopped at Target, Staples and Wegmans. I felt like that was productive, but I also felt sad for it being already noon and I had homework to tackle. Still, I ate a random lunch of sushi and chips and salsa.

Then I finally got to work on homework. I worked on my team paper for a bit and wanted to work on my other paper, but then I got into cleaning and food prep and got lazy on the couch. Yep it happens even to me. I did get my bed made though as I washed all the sheets and everything. Then I made muffins, spaghetti squash, chicken in the crockpot and bean salad for the week.

I had a few leftovers to finish in the fridge for dinner, but since I mostly sat around for a good chunk of the day, I wasn’t super hungry at dinner time. My focus has been drinking water because I am behind. I then found a new to me show on Netflix called I’m Sorry and it’s a sitcom and really dragged me in, or maybe I just sunk into the couch. Either way, I knew I was pretty much not doing much else for the night and might of made it through half a season of the show.
Sunday I finally got productive with that homework. But first a trip to the gym. After a few rest days, it was nice to get back to the gym, but my head still wasn’t completely there. Once I got home, I watched a quick show and snacked through lunch and worked diligently. I’m happy I got 4 of 5 pages pretty good for my paper throughout the afternoon.
I then went for a walk because it was like 70 degrees outside!! Tank top and flip flop weather still apparently in October. Then I came back and made some turkey meatballs for more food for the week. I definitely have a fridge full of food. Despite the fridge being full I had my heart set on spedies for dinner so I took a quick drive down the road to get a salad and fries. I only ate half the fries which I thought was good control.

While I ate, I watched A Wrinkle in Time, which I believe I heard mixed reviews on, but since I didn’t read the book and Oprah was in it, I loved it. By the time that ended, it was dark outside. It’s dark at like 7pm now and it makes it feel so much later. I got together my food for Monday and then took a quick shower before getting back to writing and homework. Also going to try to not watch tv all week again. I have an accounting exam to study for and reading to do.
Are the leaves changing color by you yet? I feel it will be another week before they peak here.

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I wish I had the energy you have even while sick! I slept in until 7:30 am only because I went to bed at 1 am. I started out going to bed on 10 pm, but couldn’t sleep so I got up after an hour and did more reading. I rarely had trouble sleeping until this fall with graduate school. I am not sure that it is worth the time that I am putting into it. I am working on writing a book review now. There is no way I could finish my homework if I had a job, and I do miss earning money. I’m glad that you are able to juggle everything right now. I am also glad that we can share childhood memories of enjoying Brady Bunch and Bewitched! Love, Mom
I just watched a wrinkle in time as well. Thought it was interesting, the high profile cast made it better.