Happy Labor day to everyone!!
Popping in quickly today to share the start of my weekend. I am happy to have today off to relax and also work on some homework.
Saturday I headed to the Syracuse mall early, arriving around 10am right when most of the stores open. It wasn’t too crowded and I was on a mission to find some pants and new work clothes if possible. Though it seems that usually when I am on a mission I come out with nothing, but I did end up finding 1 pair of pants. Apparently I need to size up in pants now with my growing thighs from weightlifting. It’s so hard to find work pants. If only I could live in my workout clothes, because I love those way more.
I also got a top on sale at Ann Taylor and found a casual top at H&M. I don’t really have a style and I thought this top was cute for the price. Honestly I was a bit disappointed with the store selections. I guess so much is online, but I really need to try things on and feel the fabric. My growing broad shoulders are also not fitting tops unless there is some stretch in the shoulders. I don’t find myself wearing jeans and t-shirts too often except for the weekend, but most of the time outside of work, you will find me in workout clothes even when I am not going to the gym, because they are just comfy to me (and fit my growing muscles). #weightlifterproblems
Since it was noon when I was ready to leave the mall, I stopped at Panera for some food so I wouldn’t starve on the drive home (it’s an hour drive to the mall).
Oh and I sadly discovered that Mrs. Field’s cookies in the Syracuse mall is gone forever!! I am so sad because I was last there in July and they were still open, but nope they are now gone. I decided to get some ice cream on my way home, almond milk chocolate from the local ice cream place to replace my missing a cookie.
While I should have done homework upon getting back, I decided to paint bedroom closet #2. Just one more to go now, but we might need more paint as this little closet took about half a gallon. Pretty sure this closet hasn’t been painted since the house was built in the 1950s/60s because the original owners (whom it turns out we actually know) kept their kids growth chart in the closet. Oh and I also discovered that pencil or maybe graphite seemed to react with the paint and bleed through blue or red lines. I did a few coats of paint on that side, but there are still faint marks. I am not concerned though since the closet it MUCH brighter white now.
After that little project, it was time to cook up some dinner that I managed to scavenge from the freezer since I didn’t make it to the grocery store. I cooked up some turkey burgers and had some leftover veggies in the fridge, which was perfect. After dinner I finally did a bit of homework which passed the night quickly.
Sunday morning I was up around 7 and made some protein pancakes before heading out to the gym. After my leg workout, I tried some pull ups and was surprised when I was able to get 3 in a row. I am now setting a goal for 10!! We will see how long before I get there. I want to “play around” on the bars before or after my workouts so that I am consistent. I find that helps the most.
After the gym I finally went to Wegmans and stocked up on everything. I also found two new recipes I wanted to try so I made sure to get ingredients for those.
Once I dropped the groceries off at home and ate a quick snack, I drove to the state park and rented a paddleboard. It took a little while to wait as a huge group got there before me, but I was glad they didn’t take the paddleboards. I definitely think next summer I may look into buying an inflatable paddleboard for myself. I hear they are pretty sturdy and I just love having an hour out on the water. I miss being near a lake (growing up 3 miles from Lake Michigan) or body of water (my last apartment had the river front and it was gorgeous). I also want to get a Go Pro so I can actually take pictures out on the lake, but for today, no photos. I really felt I needed that time with nature and the sun even came out a bit while I was floating. There was also a perfect breeze just carrying me and I took some moments to meditate a bit while floating and it was wonderful. All the rain this summer has made everything so green and I am soaking it up.

The rest of the afternoon I finally got down and did some reading and homework. Trying to stay ahead as much as possible and write papers while things are fresh in my head. Spoiler, I am already re reading the material from 3 weeks ago as we have to reference it in future papers. At least I am finding all the team info interesting so I actually don’t mind sitting down to read it again. Oh and I should note I was laying on the floor. Since Saturday my right hip started to act up (I need a chiro visit) and laying on the floor was most comfortable. Also I recently realized I don’t have any chairs in my house because I sit on an exercise ball at my desk and we have the couch. We just got a patio set so we have outdoor chairs, but the bugs like me too much so it’s safer for me inside. One day when the bedrooms are done and we can move things around we will work on getting some sort of dining table as I would love to have friends visit. For now there are 3 sizes of exercise balls to sit on 😉

For dinner, I cooked up a new recipe from Skinny Fitalicious. It came out really good. Only change I would make if I made it again was to cook the zucchini noodles before adding the sauce to the pan. I know she has them basically raw, but I like them a bit softer and partially cooked.
I can’t wait to cook and bake more tomorrow for the remainder of the week. I find it fun to spend time in the kitchen with some music on and cooking during the weekend. Also means less work to do during the week because I want food in a minute after getting home from work (thank you microwave and leftovers).
Do you like to cook on the weekend or do meal prep of any sort?

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I have to get to the gym more. Maybe I should try studying on the floor. At least I have my adjustable desk now. I’m glad you are keeping up with everything. Love, Mom