Since Brian was home for the weekend, we decided to head to the state fair on Sunday morning. I wasn’t sure how I would be after my race on Saturday and while I was sore, I always feel better when I get in some walking and movement.
We left around 8am from the house and got to the state fair shortly before 10am. Oh man, this year was a breeze compared to last year when we arrived around noon/1ish. I highly recommend a Sunday morning for the New York State Fair. We didn’t even have to wait to park for very long and we got a parking spot right by the bridge to walk across and over to the fair. Easy peasy. Also it was a nice surprise to find the whole parking area paved as last year it was grass and gravel.
We also could not have asked for better weather. It was in the 60s and a bit chilly as we drove North, but then it was 70 degrees and getting sunny as we were walking around. By the time we left the fair around 1:30, it was 80 degrees out, so it was just getting hot. There was a nice breeze too.
We began with the Dairy building to check out the butter sculpture. I get so excited over the butter sculpture. It’s just soooo amazing!! We had our mid morning snack of a cupcake (for me) and a cream puff for Brian.

We checked out the goats, sheep, and piglets.

Then we found a newly built building with the giant sand sculpture. There was so much detail in this years. Last year’s was women’s rights theme and this year was just NY State theme. I even found WhiteFace mountain that Brian and I have gone to the top twice.

I also didn’t realize Lucille Ball was from New York State until I looked her up later. I love the “I Love Lucy” show.
On our way to find some food, we found some alpacas and giraffes. This one alpaca didn’t seem to mind the loving and selfies.
I grabbed a large lemonade as I was mostly thirsty and I drank most of that before deciding on a steak pita wrap to eat. I even gave part of my wrap to Brian to finish because I was so full of lemonade lol.
Brian had a sausage on a stick and then decided to get a mini ice cream cone. I am talking MINI (cutest ice cream cone I have ever seen).
We then checked out chickens, ducks, bunnies and guinea pigs. There were even some guinea pigs being judged. I also saw a lot of bunnies were for sale. We saw one marked for $100 so we had to see him.

The bunnies were so cute, but I don’t want a pet bunny because they really need space I feel like to hop around. Also, how is this comfy?
We walked and walked and walked. I found my favorite soap that I purchased last year and so this year I bought 4 bars.
We ended with a building that had little miniature circus set ups and trains.
I thought about getting a funnel cake but after 1.5 lemonades, I opted to get a cookie and Brian got a cannoli at the same bakery we stopped at in the morning.
Then it was back to the car. It was so nice outside that Brian and I both decided to wash our cars when we got home. Then Brian had to pack and I took him to the airport.
When I got home, I cooked up some tofu following the recipe from The Domestic Geek’s recent Week 5 meal prep ideas. I had the tofu along with my bean salad, an unplanned vegetarian dinner.
I then spent the rest of the night doing some writing and homework before the weekend was over. I am thinking of challenging myself to no TV this week and focus on my school work and writing when I am home.
What’s your favorite part of a State Fair? I love the fresh squeezed lemonade and the butter and sand sculptures.

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Great photos! Thanks for sharing. Glad you had a good weekend. Theresa, Colin, Dad and I went to breakfast yesterday with the Rukases. Then we went to the Volo Auto Museum and today we went to the Chicago Botanical Garden. Maybe I will eventually get some photos on Facebook. Love, Mom