I didn’t share this post on Monday because I wanted to keep the watermelon baby Carriage watermelon a surprise from some of my co workers as only a handful knew about my secret project.
Friday kicked off with Friday night yoga which was much needed. I couldn’t believe it was nearly a month since I had been to the yoga studio as I have just been busy and weightlifting tops my workout priorities. I was glad I went because I learned the teacher got a job and is moving so this Friday will be her last class and I am hoping to make it.
By the time I got home it was already 8pm and I just had a light snack and lounged on the couch watching Younger which I am totally addicted to. I am so glad there are 4 seasons for me to watch on Hulu and at least 2 more seasons to come in the future. I love Hilary Duff and Sutton Foster. Honestly though the whole plot line of the series seems like how can someone keep up such a lie. I am quite shocked it has made it to 6 seasons in a way and just hope I don’t get bored of it dragging on like I did with Pretty Little Liars (maybe I will finish that series one day…).
Saturday morning I made some pancakes for breakfast, did some cleaning around the house and then went shopping for a watermelon and fruit down the street.
Then it was time to lounge before heading off to aerial yoga!! Yay for 2 yoga classes 2 days in a row and it was also nice to be back to aerial after a month hiatus. I am glad they added the Saturday class so I can drop in from time to time.

After aerial I made a quick shopping trip at Wegmans for the remainder of my weekly things. I like a lot of Wegmans brand items, from deli meat to almond butter.
I came home and assembled a lunch snack plate.
Then it was time to get to work on my watermelon baby. I wanted to carve out the melon knowing that would take the most time. This is also a much smaller melon from the first time I made one back in 2013 (I can’t believe that was 5 years ago). I have been waiting for someone to have an end of summer or fall baby to recreate this masterpiece again.
Taking some self timer photos along the way, the process took an hour so that wasn’t too bad and I certainly had a full refrigerator after that. Thank goodness I have an entire fridge to myself now.

The rest of Saturday wasn’t too exciting. It was actually quite nice to have so much down time after 3 weekends of travel.
Sunday’s plan included a workout at the gym and then I got ready to head to a bridal shower.
We had some delicious greek food. I’m not a big fan of greek food, but I love pita and hummus and the chicken and rice dish was delicious.
After a bit we headed out and I hung out at Brian’s family friend’s house, chatting and then staying for dinner. We had pizza for dinner and it was fun to hang out with them. I only took pictures of the dogs…
Now fast forward to Monday night when I finished assembling the watermelon baby carriage beauty. Next it was time to form the baby head with the cantaloupe. I cut it in half, scooped out the seeds and sliced off the skin. My watermelon was on the smaller size, so I sliced a bit off the bottom and voila, a nice baby head. Add blueberries for the eyes and a pacifier in the mouth. Also pro tip when you add the fruit, add fruit behind the “head” so it stays in place better.
Then I added the wheels with a slice of orange and slice of lemon for each of the 4 wheels, held together by a toothpick for each. Then I filled the rest of the melon with fruit and surrounded the carriage with more fruit since I had tons. I think I’ll be eating watermelon for a while as I still have a full bowl in my fridge because I added a container of blueberries and the rest of the cantaloupe to the carriage.
I think I did a pretty good job. This time was easier because my melon was fairly small but that was the size at the store and I think it still made a great carriage size. I had a lot of fun creating it and can’t wait for my co workers to see my watermelon baby and enjoy the fruit.
Have you carved fruit before or made anything special for a party?

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That’s so cute. I love the grey subway tiles in your kitchen.
Thanks. The last owners redid the kitchen and it has a nice color scheme.