The weekend kicked off with A Tasteful Night for HCA fundraiser event. I went to support my friend Alicia2. It included wine and food tastings. I don’t drink, but the food was absolutely incredible. I did taste one wine. I didn’t like it and that’s just it, I just don’t really like alcohol. I don’t like the sugar filled drinks either where you can’t taste the alcohol, because then I still get a very upset stomach from the sugar. I’ll take a mini cupcake over the sugary alcohol, thanks. I had fun and I didn’t need to drink to make the event more fun.
For a couple hours, we walked around and sampled and then the live auction started. I was in that fear if I raised a limb, I would bib without knowing, but the auction was very entertaining to watch and see what the items went for. There were many gift cards and due to the fact that it was for charity, people were very generous and overbid on some of those. It was definitely a good night out. I was surprised that I didn’t even leave early because I was enjoying the time with Alicia2’s friends as well. After the live auction, they drew the raffle winners. I put in some tickets, but I didn’t have any luck. That’s ok though as most of the items I didn’t need, but that one pampered chef basket, I would have loved.
Saturday morning I got up shortly after 7. I made breakfast and decided to get an oil change and do my grocery run. On a side note, review your grocery receipts or pay attention as the person scans. I don’t usually have an issue, but the person voided a couple transactions as they scanned and I reviewed my receipt before leaving the store and noticed I was charged twice for the ham I bought. Getting it credited right away was good rather than noticing later.
When I got home, I froze some meat and threw some chicken in the crockpot. Then I sliced up some pork I bought and set it in a dish to marinate for stir fry later.
I got some laundry done and ate a snack plate for lunch and then decided to head out to the library.

I got a library card over a month ago and still had yet to check out books and head there on a weekend. I brought along my laptop and was able to sit down and actually write and focus for a couple hours. It was wonderful. I realized the open space and quietness of the library and sitting by a window with the sun shining in was just what I needed to focus and get some thoughts out. I also picked up a couple books since I needed something new to read and I really do like the physical book, so now I can save some money from Amazon ordering too.
Later in the afternoon, Brian came home and we made stir fry for dinner. I had snacked most of the afternoon though so I wasn’t too hungry, but the stir fry was delicious.
I then headed to a special evening Rock and flow yoga class. I have missed my Friday nights of yoga lately and this class was so much fun. The teacher had an awesome playlists with some hits from Destiny’s Child, Weezer and more. Though I will admit, it’s always hard for me to concentrate on the teacher with music playing where I know the lyrics. I was definitely singing along to some old hits and really loved it. The flow was also fun and challenging. I was really happy when we got to our balancing flow that my balance was great Saturday night. I have felt that recently it was off, but building leg strength and practicing some balancing at the gym after my workout or at home seem to have been helping.
Shortly after I got home, Brian had to head back to work and then I got ready for bed.
Sunday morning I woke up to it SNOWING!! I looked out the window at 7am and I was like, WHAT!? I hadn’t read the forecast recently so the snow was a complete surprise. Luckily it wasn’t snowing for very long. I had some breakfast and slowly made my way down the hill around 8:30 (since they didn’t really plow) and headed to the gym.
My workout went pretty well, despite my not feeling the best. I was able to increase my squat weight and get a new rep PR for my deadlifts. I took my time through my workout and then when I finished the sun was coming out at least and already melting away the bit of snow.

On my way home, I had to stop at the grocery store, because I just couldn’t stop thinking about eating cereal. Do you ever have those cravings that don’t go away until you get that ONE thing? I have seriously been thinking about cereal for days and I finally had to buy a box. I also have finally been getting tired of drinking plain water so I had to pick up some vitamin waters.
I got home and poured myself a bowl of cereal and it was the best.
Sunday was a pretty laid back day. I was even able to take a bath mid day which was awesome. Actually after my bath, Brian’s brother’s girlfriend had to show me her new chicks. I spent a bit of time holding them, but I was also thankful that I didn’t have to care for them. Brian can’t wait for some fresh eggs though.
Then the rest of the day was spent cleaning, reading, baking and watching Netflix. I enjoyed the sunshine streaming in the windows too. It’s really so so nice to have the sun back.
What’s one thing you did this weekend?

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I got my hair cut this past weekend. Saturday night, Dad and I started watching a new Netflix series called “Valor.” On Sunday, we bought our airline tickets for our Washington, D.C. four-day trip in June. Love, Mom