In my first year of college, I had a lot of free time. Why do I tell you this? Because it was also quite the change from living at home and I didn’t have friends to start out with in college when I went from Chicago to Buffalo. So what did I do with that time? I spent it either A) playing Sims or B) writing. Writing got me through my first year of college and yet, I’ll admit, I always HATED writing assignments. Why did my creative writing have to be graded? Why did I need some crazy plot in my stories? Then I understood, that no one would read it otherwise maybe. But what about writing for myself? I kept a journal, on my computer. I prefer typing over writing in a notebook because the thoughts in my head go fast and when I try to write them down with pen and paper, I sometimes forget what I am thinking mid sentence. I just can’t keep up. But typing…I have down.
I took a little blogging break in the last week and I want to tell you, I missed it. I missed writing so much. I needed the break though and honestly I have been quite lazy with my days and evenings until tonight (Wednesday).
Over the weekend, I had some much needed friend time. I headed over to my friend’s house and got the “Christmas tree” tour as she hadn’t taken them down yet and she had 1 real tree and 3 fake trees around the house. If I get a big house someday, I definitely think I could go for at least 2 trees. I always want a real one though, always.
We played cards for a while and talked. Wow it has been forever since I played cards. I collect card decks, in case you didn’t know. While I wanted to collect EVERYTHING growing up, I eventually came to the conclusion that that wouldn’t be possible, it would be very expensive and I didn’t have the space for everything. I also should be proud of the fact that I came to this conclusion before hitting my minimalist stage a couple years ago. So when I travel places and there are little souvenir shops, I look for a deck of cards. The great thing about cards is they showcase photos of monuments in that town usually, aren’t very expensive, are useful and are small for storage space. In my mind all those things make cards the perfect thing to collect.
On Sunday I spent some time shopping. While I planned to only go to one store, I then found out the power was out at home so off to Target I went. I found the comfiest men’s sweatpants on sale for $15 and they are perfect to wear over capris for the gym or lounge around the house. I have never been a big sweatpants person, but I think these are the comfiest ones ever!!
Over the weekend I could tell I was getting a cold. I didn’t sleep well which made for a long Monday. I even debated calling in on Monday but I knew that wouldn’t do me any good either because I didn’t want to use my sick time already and I knew with my sore throat, I probably wouldn’t really be sleeping either, so I pushed through. Sometimes I am thankful for office work and not needing to talk too much throughout the day.
Monday night Brian was home and he made his homemade beef pho. I was never a soup and broth person growing up, but I really liked it and it was perfect for my sore throat.
We then ended the evening curled up together and watching the movie Due Date, recommended by one of my co workers. I really enjoyed it and it was nice to have a quiet night and watch a movie. I can’t remember the last time we did that. Plus this was my first time seeing Brian this year (2018) as he has been working non stop and out of town since I returned from Florida after Christmas.
Thankfully on Tuesday I was feeling my energy perk up again. My throat still has its moments though. I decided to not go to aerial yoga because I wasn’t sure about the flipping and such. Instead, I went and got a mani pedi to treat myself. I am still trying to stop biting my nails so much and maybe this manicure will help. I had to wait a while, but it was enjoyable despite the wait and a great way to end the night.
So I have done some treating of myself the past few days. I have also been a bit lazy as well, but every so often, we need our lazy days and pampering days. I am really looking forward to my massage this coming weekend as well. That always feels amazing. I am hoping that will also help me kick this cold further by releasing toxins in my body. Wednesday morning I got back to the gym though and it was a pretty good session. I am happy to be back to my training and planning to do a post on that soon.
I know this post may seem a little random, but sometimes, you just feel like writing and I think this is a good catch up as to what I have been up to.
Do you like to write or journal?
Thanks Amanda for letting me think out loud.

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