If you know anything about me, you know I’m a morning person. Check out my morning routine post here. On the weekends, I like to sleep in (which lately if I can actually sleep until 7am is sleeping in), but I also love my mornings. Even if I’m really tired, I’m usually out of bed by 8am on the weekend. If I see that the clock says 8am, I know it’s time for me to hop out of bed (quite literally I jump out if it’s that hour).
Saturday morning I was awake quite early and just couldn’t get back to sleep. I finally got out of bed around 6:30am. Starting off my Saturday to do list, in the first hour of being awake, I already had a load of towels in the washer, breakfast made and salsa chicken ready to cook in the crockpot. This is how I love to start my weekend mornings. I know a lot of people think of all these things as chores, but for me to have time on Saturday morning to cook and clean is my favorite.
After breakfast I headed off to Target, the post office and Wegmans for all my shopping. I came home and got my second load of laundry going, relaxed a bit and then had lunch before doing some other work in the afternoon.
I also had put on my new comfy and cozy outfit while trying a Kombucha. Trying to get in some good probiotics in my system and last time I tried Kombucha a year or so ago it really upset my stomach. I drank it slow this time and only half the bottle and it seemed to be better.

I think the fact that it was a gloomy day and I basically never see the sun during the weekdays now had me less motivated once afternoon and evening hit. I decided to start the Christmas movies on Netflix. I also have tons of Christmas DVDs but discovered my disc drive on my computer is stuck, so I’m pretty sure in the next week I will be heading to the store to buy a USB external DVD drive for my computer just for the Christmas season. Without cable or really a TV, I don’t have many other options and I love my Christmas movies.
I did have a wonderful dinner of spaghetti squash and salsa chicken. OMG it was delicious and I forgot to take a photo before eating it all up. I can’t wait to enjoy this again and also make salsa chicken in the crockpot more often. I love the Wegmans brand of salsa because there is no added sugar or anything, so it’s great for macro counting too.

My evening was mostly spent watching Netflix. I was just done with the day, it was dark and I was totally unmotivated.
Sunday morning I got up around 7am, a bit of sleeping in for me. I made breakfast and decided to head to a yoga class instead of the gym. I’m waiting on my new workout plan and I just felt I needed yoga. It was a rainy/snowy morning and gloomly. Yoga was a lot of fun as we working on some fun arm balancing towards the end. I did feel like I needed to be more warmed up though and do more wrist stretching.
After yoga, I came home, showered and put on my comfy clothes again. I decided I needed to warm up the house and make it smell better, so I made some almond butter oatmeal bars which I had planned to make for Thanksgiving so I will probably make another batch for Thursday.
One of my favorite things about vegan recipes is eating the delicious dough and knowing there is no egg in them. Another thing is if you seem to undercook it a bit, no need to worry, still delicious. I let the bars cool for a bit, but my first piece was still ooeey and gooey. It wouldn’t make a pretty picture, but it was delicious.
As the day went on, the snow and rain seemed to pass and it was at least a little brighter than Saturday, but I was just still feeling unmotivated or bored. I decided to get out my bullet journal and fill in my workout details from the last 4 weeks in addition to creating some December pages. I’m seriously already in December mode and I do realize as I write this, there are still 11 days left in November…
Sometimes it helps to just play a podcast for a bit, something inspirational and tap into your childhood and do some coloring. My bullet journal is nothing fancy because I don’t have a clue how to do all those different and creative fonts, but it’s nice to draw a few doodles for a cover page and write out a little calendar of dates and to dos for next month. I really need to get better at actually using my bullet journal though because I don’t look at it daily like I should. I even wrote down some daily habits I want to do in November, like daily stretching, and I was going to check off each day I did it. Yeah..that lasted for 2 days, but I will tell you I was really good at doing it daily for the last few weeks. I think I only missed a few days.
Anyway I think we all have those somewhat sluggish days and I know the weather has a huge impact on me. I take double the dosage of my vitamin D, but still the best cure is some sunshine when I can get it. After spending some time listening to podcasts, writing, bullet journaling, I was feeling much more inspired to tackle the rest of the day. On another note though, it’s totally ok to sit back and watch some cheesy Christmas movies. At least the weather prediction over Thanksgiving has changed and hopefully there won’t be some crazy snow storm and maybe a little sunshine will peak through the clouds on Thursday and Friday when I am off work. I can’t wait to check out some black Friday deals for some of my needs, especially a winter coat, and order the last couple presents for people.
What do you do when you feel unmotivated?
What’s your favorite creative activity?

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