Hey there!! Did you know summer came back? It was 85 degrees here yesterday according to my car!! That’s at least 20 degrees warmer than last weekend. Insane!! I washed my shorts Saturday thinking I was washing them for the last time and putting them away, but no, I had to get them out again for Sunday as it was too hot trying to wear jeans.
Friday night started with a yoga class after work. This will pretty much be regular routine unless I have other plans or Friday happens to fall on month end and I have to stay late at work. When I arrived home, I was home alone and enjoyed a peaceful night with a snack, shower and then curling up in bed. Around 9 one of my friends called me and then we surprisingly talked for nearly an hour. Both of us are early to bed people and being that it was 10:15 when we got off the phone, it was late for both of us.
Saturday morning I headed off to the gym early (around 8am because that’s early in weekend talk). I worked on my squats, continuing to get back to what I was doing. My hip is not bothering me as much but I am thinking of seeing a physical therapist to help out. I just learned there is a push/pull (bench/deadlift) meet nearby Thanksgiving week and I am thinking of competing. I know with only around 8 weeks or so to train, I won’t be doing anything super heavy, but it’s a good first meet and local. No matter what other people are lifting, it’d be awesome to PR for myself there.
After the gym, I headed to Wegmans all sweaty. I had quite the list as I was picking up some pumpkin and baking ingredients for a recipe and also out of a few staples. I arrived home and reorganized the fridge to fit all my food. I take over the fridge (not too good at sharing).
I then had a few phone calls to make and then before I knew it, it was afternoon. I don’t usually talk on the phone much, but if you ever call me, you should set aside around an hour lol.
I heated up some soup for lunch and then finally showered. At 3, I headed to a wedding with Brian’s aunt and brother. Brian was at work. The wedding was at Oneida Lake, about an hour and a half drive away. I was glad I brought my headphones and I just listened to a podcast both ways to pass the time.
The wedding was a family member on Brian’s side so I didn’t really know them, but since I went with his aunt and his cousins met up with us there, I at least had a whole table of people I did know. They seriously lucked out on the weather. If the wedding was last weekend, we would have been so cold, but this weekend, the weather could not have been more perfect. Oh and they had a smores bar, so I was set!! Actually there were some issues getting the firepit going, but luckily Brian’s brother helped. I first had a smore without a melted marshmallow and then I had a nice roasted marshmellow one after that. It was delicious. Since we left before they cut the cake, it was a nice dessert. The cake they had was so cute and then they had cupcakes. I like the idea of a small cake and cupcakes, but now I’m thinking for my wedding just to skip the cake and have a smores bar if possible. That or a cookie cake. No need to be traditional.

There was a beautiful sunset up on the lake as well. I didn’t bring my big camera so the phone picture doesn’t really do it justice, but it had the perfect pink hue.
We got home around 10pm and I headed to bed right away.
Saturday night the bedroom was a bit warm so I had trouble sleeping. I got up at 7, had some breakfast and then went to an early yoga class. With it being warmer outside, I was sweating so much. We also did quite a few arm balances and I really enjoyed getting back into that.

When I came home from yoga, I went right to the kitchen. I made some turkey burgers, broccoli and roasted zucchini for the week. Then I made these chickpea pumpkin bars to bring over to my co worker’s house for a Pink Zebra party. Despite thinking the bars were under cooked, people loved them. Plus my co workers are big weight watchers fans and these were pretty healthy with the protein powder and chickpeas.
I also changed up the recipe and made a vegan version, just swapping the egg whites for flax eggs and then swapping the protein powder for a vegan vanilla protein powder. I had a few issues blending it up because my vegan protein powder has chia seeds in it and I think those sucked up the wet ingredients a bit more. I added more pumpkin and some water to blend it. Then when I baked it, it just wasn’t firming up. I baked it like 10 minutes extra and then let it sit for a while and stuck it in the fridge until dinner.
The afternoon was spent at my co worker’s Pink Zebra party. I hadn’t heard of Pink Zebra before, but basically it is a company that makes different fragrances and they sell the wax pieces as “sprinkles” so you can use them to build your own candle, for simmer pots and more. They are versatile which is cool. I am not a big fragrance person but I do like the seasonal scents. I ended up just making a candle with a pine scent. It smells just like Christmas and since we won’t have a tree this year, I wanted something pine to smell.
It was fun to smell a bunch of scents. I was actually surprised at home many I liked, but I don’t have a space for a simmer pot and I am sharing a house so I didn’t want to get those this time. The candle is nice because with the sprinkles of pine, it smells without even burning it. Just having it in the cup holder of my car, my car smelled so good driving home.
Oh and the drive to the party was about a half hour. An easy drive, but the upstate NY scenary was beautiful, especially as the leaves are starting to change. If you ever want to destress, just take a drive along the country side. The beautiful sunny weather also helped a ton.
When I got back home, I had to take advantage of the nice weather and finally wash/scrub my car windshield a bit. There were way too many bug guts that took some scrubbing. Now it looks so much nicer!!
After dinner I brought out my experiment vegan bars. Per suggestion of Brian’s aunt, I added a bit of flour to them and turned them into decent sized cookies and stuck them in the oven for 10 minutes. By then, they were more edible and firmed up more. I will have to play with the recipe.
I was stuffed after dinner and had a calm night prepping for work by making my lunch and making my smoothie for morning.
What is one fun thing you did this weekend?
Did it feel like summer by you?

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