Hey there. Happy Monday. This particular Monday is 9/11 and I still can’t believe it has been 16 years. This is definitely a date I will never forget.
This weekend though, I was thinking of my friends and my grandma in Florida as Hurricane Irma approached. It’s crazy to think about the 5-15 ft storm surges happening and all the flooding. I know my friends are safe and my grandma was taking shelter. I just wonder about the state of people’s homes but won’t know more about that for a couple days likely. Continuous prayers for Florida and everyone affected. Also prayers for the West coast. I have a friend in Oregon and the fires are getting bad. I wish we could send them some rain.
Now back to what I did this weekend, Friday evening I went to yoga straight from work. This class is seriously my favorite that I have found in my new area. We worked on half moon as our peak pose and it has certainly been a while since I practiced that pose. My balance was a little off. I did like how our teacher set up the class though. We started in savasana while she read a bit about Ganesha, a god worshiped in Hinduism, who is an elephant and commonly referred to as the remover of obstacles. Ganesha was one god that stuck with me in my yoga training and when I get a future yoga room in my future home, I picture finding a Ganesha statue or painting him on the wall. I loved that our class opened with this.
Throughout class we did a lot of side bending and balancing to prep for half moon. A few moves really got into my hips too and my hips really need it. 75 minutes of pure bliss in this class. A perfect way to kick off the weekend.
When I came home, I had a snack and then showered and hung out with Brian for a bit before heading to bed.
I managed to sleep like a rock Friday night. I don’t even know why or how, but I got nearly 9 hours of sleep and according to my fitbit, only rolled a handful of times. I felt quite rested by 7am. I got up and made a smoothie for breakfast. I honestly am getting a little tired of oatmeal. I mean I have only eaten it for breakfast for like 4 years…I just don’t know what else to make, but a smoothie was good to use up some spinach I had in the fridge and put together something filling.
Shortly after 8, Brian had to head back to work and I headed out to the gym. I did another squat session and actually felt better, getting back to the weights I was doing a month ago. My hip is still a bit off, which is why I am incorporating many more hip and glute strengthening but it seems to be improving.
I came home to take a quick shower and then headed to get a massage. After a massage I always feel so blissed out for a bit. My masseuse again told me my legs and shoulders are very tight. I will have to work on more stretching and foam rolling. I think vinyasa yoga for a bit everyday will help as well. I am doing @yoga_girl ‘s Instagram challenge of getting on my mat daily. Though I started 3 days late, I was consistent this past week. I still only practice about 10-20 minutes on my own at home. I just can’t seem to find the motivation for a full hour, but I feel like at least getting on my mat and doing some warm ups and stretching help. Hopefully, in time, I can increase the amount of time as I get inspiration from my Friday yoga class. [Side note: I realized later in the day that I could touch my toes in a seated forward fold, that’s how open my hips were after a massage!!]
This week, pumpkins were out at Wegmans, as I headed to the grocery store.
I then headed home to do some meal prep and laundry. I know…so exciting…
Personally I really enjoy doing meal prep. I think I only spent about 1.5 hours in the kitchen. During that time, I played a couple podcast episodes while baking some tahini bars, cooking chicken and broccoli, making hamburger patties, steaming extra broccoli and cleaning up as I went.
I like to prep a snack and dinner for the week. For lunch, I make salads and just throw them together the night before. For breakfast, I usually have oatmeal and bacon which is quick to make. This week, I bought some pumpkin spice cheerios because I couldn’t stop thinking about them since seeing them in the store last week. Plus it’s a good switch for breakfast for now.
I know some people don’t like to spend their weekend in the kitchen, but for me, it’s therapeutic. It also makes my week go a lot smoother. I get home from work, quickly heat up leftovers and eat. I don’t like waiting to cook something or spending time trying to decide on what to make, especially when I may have a yoga class to attend shortly after getting home. There is definitely a difference with meal prepping for one though, versus two or a family. It doesn’t take me long to meal prep because usually one recipe I make has at least 4 servings. I also should mention, I don’t portion my big batch meals into separate containers (partially due to lack of fridge space), but just having the meal ready so I can scoop it into a bowl or onto a plate, helps. I like to leave 1 day of the week open for random leftovers or if someone else makes something or if Brian comes home and we decide to go out to dinner. I also will usually have a smoothie for dinner if I am heading to yoga as it is quick to drink and doesn’t leave me stuffed so I can move through yoga comfortably.
So there you have my thoughts on meal prepping. I do have the same thing for dinner most nights, but that works best when planning for just yourself. I try to find new recipes to try to switch up my dinners weekly. This week, I was inspired by Alyssia over at Mind Over Munch on Youtube. I loved the Keto video and since I try to keep my carbs to a minimum, this had great recipes for me to try.
On Sunday I went to Animal Adventure and I will recap that in another post since this one is getting long.
Do you like to meal prep on the weekend?

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Great post! I totally need to buy some pumpkin spice Cheerios…
I typically do meal prep on Sundays, but nothing crazy. I plan out my meals, grocery shop, and often just make my meals the night before.
Planning out meals and your groceries helps a lot too. I’m glad you found something that works for you Marina.