It may be July, but it’s never too late to set some goals for yourself. Inspired by a phrase I first heard on The Chatty Sisters Podcast which they referenced from The Girl Next Door Podcast (can you tell I am obsessed with both of these podcasts?!), is “the year of me.”
2017 has brought many changes into my life. Starting the year out traveling in a different country with just the clothes in my backpack definitely changed me and my thoughts on life. I feel oh so fortunate that I said years ago to myself I’m going back to Australia, to travel for months. Of course I knew MONTHS of travel can’t happen unless you A) work for yourself and have a flexible schedule or B) don’t have a job. When Brian lost his job and I decided I needed to move, it was the perfect time to travel and we went for it. We went without a plan and I can’t lie, that scared me. I went in with a simple expectation though, to enjoy it. Enjoy it, I did.

When we came back from traveling, Brian and I both agreed, we want to do it again. Next time, Asia, where I believe our dollars will stretch much farther. I don’t know when this will happen, but I am glad we both enjoyed the travel so much and it’s something we can save up for in the future.
Meanwhile, I am at that age where my friends are getting married and having kids. Honestly if you asked me 10 years ago what I would be doing now, I would have probably said “being a mom.” It’s something I have always wanted and still want. However, I realized, it’s not the end of the world to wait until you are 30 years old to have a child and right now I am enjoying my freedom. I don’t have the responsibly of being a mom, nor do I have any pets. The person I need to care for the most, is myself. That is where “the year of me” comes into play.
Since returning to the states and finding a job, I’ve decided to invest more into myself. For me, this means, spending money on gyms, personal training, good food, trying new skin care items and just taking time to myself. I am fairly independent. Brian is usually at work and so I have gotten used to it being me, myself and I. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but it definitely makes it easier when Brian has only 12 hours off and has to return to work.
Whenever you move to a new place, you have to make it feel like a home. For me, that means finding a gym I love and getting involved in activities. As much as I need my alone time, I also need socializing and the best way to get that when you don’t know people in the area, is getting out and doing something you love. I love yoga studios as you usually run into the same group of people each week for a class and that has been a way for me to make friends in the area. I also finally found a dance studio that does adult classes, so hopefully starting up tap dance in the Fall again and that will be a great way to meet some people in the area.

The other thing I mentioned above is investing in new skin care items. I have to say I am pretty lucky when it comes to skin care as I really fail at washing my face consistently and I don’t use make up. I didn’t have a problem with pimples until high school. Then I had to cut out milk from my diet due to suddenly having issues with it. After college, I took it a step farther and tried to eat very little dairy, if any and focused on veggies, fruit and meat. Fewer junk foods and carbs and my skin has never been this clear.
My skin is sensitive so I have to be careful about what type of face wash I use. Lately, I have been exploring new face washes and even face masks since getting a mud bath in New Zealand. I am currently obsessed with the cold mask Love Lettuce from Lush. Unfortunately the Lush store is an hour away so that will only be a treat now and then, but it has made my face feel amazingly smooth. I also know I need to take care of my body and my muscles are sore after hard workouts, so I am trying to take a salt bath once a week. In August I plan to join a massage membership and get a monthly massage.
Your 20s are the time to explore different things and really discover who you are. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Travel, explore your own backyard, try a new product because you feel like it, try a new workout class or activity in your area. Get outside whenever possible and just be grateful for what your body is able to do and in turn take care of your body.
This year is MY year to try new things, get out of my comfort zone, be a little selfish and just get out there and enjoy life!
Thanks Amanda for thinking out loud.
No Questions, just thoughts.

Sharing is Caring:

LOVE this !! Thanks for posting. Staying on top of self-care is huge! I am a teacher and its easy to forget to eat or take a breather when there’s a ton of 6 year olds in front of me, each with their very own needs! This blog reminded me to take care of myself first. Self care is the first rule in being there for others:) Thanks Bridges through life !
Yes self care is so important so that you can be there for others.