Instead of Friday Favorites today, I thought I would share some goals with you.
I can’t believe it is June. I am tired of this rainy East coast weather and hope that summer and sunshine is around the corner soon. I’m slowly getting settled into living in Binghamton. Brian finally helped with some cleaning and I am able to see more of the bedroom floor which helps lighten my load (physically and mentally). I even put some of my workout clothes in a drawer (they didn’t all fit). I must say, it’s weird having a socks and underwear drawer again. When I moved to Philadelphia in April 2014, I never got a dresser or drawers. I literally lived out of my suitcases and had most of my shirts hung in the closet. Well now I have to actually share a closet so I have my winter stuff put away, which is also weird because I have always had all my clothes accessible year round. Hey, Midwest weather and East coast weather can be a little bipolar so you never know. I guess it’s nice to get a little more settled. In a way I never truly settled in either of my apartments in Philadelphia as I always thought we would move and it was always temporary. I just didn’t know to where or when, but I didn’t want to buy a dresser when that could mean more to move.
So with getting more settled and accepting a job offer, I plan to have more of a daily routine. While I have been ‘go with the flow’ these last 5 months, I am ready for more of a routine again. I believe I accomplish things better with having a routine and I wanted to finally set some goals again. I am keeping it fairly simple this month as I continue to get settled, but maybe will have more detailed fitness goals in July as I figure out how to incorporate my love for exercising before or after work. With that long introduction, here are my goals:
- Continue blogging 3 times a week – I feel like I have finally found a blogging schedule that works with Monday weekend recaps, Wednesday travel theme and Friday favorites. I would definitely love to bring back Yoga Workshop Fridays and maybe pop in for a Thinking out loud post now and then, but for now that is the structure.
- Try a new recipe once a week – It’s no question that my happy place is the kitchen (and the gym of course). Not having access to MY kitchen stuff is definitely difficult, but I am trying to make it work. I’ve been trying to find inspiration for new meals to make for lunches and dinners that are easy to prep. Since I will be heading back to work, I may have to bring lunch and dinner with me some days if I head right to the gym or something. I don’t really like eating late, so I would also like to plan a bigger meal for lunch that will keep me full for hours and then eat a lighter dinner.
- Settle into my new job – while I have enjoyed nearly 6 months without working and traveling was definitely worth it, once I moved to Binghamton, it was harder to adjust and find things to do. I am looking forward to socializing with my new co workers and getting back into a day job, even though I will miss 8am gym sessions and 9:30am yoga sessions.
- Weight lift 2-3 times a week – my current weight lift program only requires me going to the gym twice a week, but I will be finishing the 6 week program in just a couple weeks. I am hoping I can meet with a trainer and get a 3 day a week plan now that I have built up some strength again aka not as sore as those first two weeks.
I definitely think all of these goals are achievable. I will try to keep track of new recipes I make and report back at the end of the month.
What are some goals you have this month?

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