Hey it’s Wednesday so let’s talk about food. I have been trying to cut down my grocery bill and I tend to buy too many things which then end up going into the pantry and freezer and getting lost. Anyone else have that problem?
I am making it my mission to use up as much from the pantry and freezer so (almost) nothing goes to waste. Let’s take a look at Saturday’s eats.

I had so much on my mind that I was up before 7am, but being the weekend, I made some pancakes with some About Time chocolate chip pancake mix, half a banana and an egg. Topped the pancake with the other half of banana and syrup and had a side of bacon. Talk about protein for breakfast! I think that was 30g of protein in my breakfast which was good since I headed for a 2 mile swim shortly after. Also not pictured, a glass of Spark for a bit of energy before my swim.
I got home around 11am, a little early for lunch but decided to make some pasta salad. I had half a box of brown rice pasta to use and some tomatoes in the fridge and some fresh greens I bought Saturday morning. Add a few spices and balsamic vinegar and you have yourself a nice pasta salad. I also had a side of crackers and cheddar cheese (this has become a weekend thing and so tasty). Then I was still hungry and ate some peanut butter crackers I had left in my pantry and an almond cookie from the freezer. To drink, I enjoyed a half and half that was on sale at the store too.
Even though I ate lunch super early, I obviously ate a lot and so it kept me full until 5pm when I started making dinner. I had pulled a steak from the freezer and cooked that. I also had some potatoes to use so I decided to make a steak salad with a side of potatoes.
Of course I had to have some sort of dessert, so I had an apple left from apple picking a couple weeks ago and then some dark chocolate and fresh strawberries.
Later in the evening I really wasn’t feeling great, so I had a couple cups of tea and more crackers to snack on.
Do you have days where you clean out your pantry and freezer for eats?

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