Oh hey there Monday. We are back. This weekend had the perfect balance of productivity and laziness. Laziness was necessary on Sunday as it was a rainy afternoon, but it was perfect. Sometimes I like living alone and I treasure the time I get to myself before my time of kids to occupy comes around.

Saturday morning I ran my usual errands and then headed to the gym to swim. I made it 2 miles and slowly got my jello legs back to the locker room to shower and get dressed. I decided to run 2 more quick errands since I was out already and luckily they were quick because I was so hungry and thirsty by the time I arrived home. I just didn’t want to go out again and luckily I didn’t have to. I made some lunch, a quick Wegmans perfect portion steak and some other leftovers. I felt so much better once I had food and tons of water in me.
I then headed to the pool for a couple hours. The sun was wonderful on Saturday and it was about 10 degrees cooler than last weekend so 90 instead of 100 degrees F. HAHA. I read for about an hour soaking up the sun and finishing my Yamas and Niyamas book. Then I hopped in the pool which felt good as I was literally dripping sweat just reading and not even moving, but I had to finish my book.
To be honest I was kind of tired of swimming after swimming 2 miles and there wasn’t anyone at the pool that I knew, so after about 20 minutes in the water, I decided to get out, dry off and head back home to work on dinner.
I made a pesto chicken pizza. I bought some of Paleoful’s pizza dough mix before they went out of business and it was delicious. I have never been a huge tomato sauce person and I remembered that Trader Joes has this pesto frozen pizza that is really good so I recreated that and added chicken since I had some to use up. It turned out really good.
The rest of the evening was spent relaxing. I somehow decided to restart watching Gilmore Girls from the beginning. Still remains my favorite TV show that I re-watch all seasons of probably twice a year.
Sunday morning I got up and was motivated to meal prep. I love using my time Sunday morning to get veggies roasting and throwing chicken in the crockpot, etc. I also turned on the Olympic marathon to watch the middle to end of it.

I made some pancakes for breakfast of course with my new protein powder thanks to the giveaway I won on Becky’s blog.

By the time I finished my meal prep, I had about an hour to make a yoga sequence and then it was off to teach. I can tell that summer is coming to an end as my class size is growing, more people back from vacations and busy summers.
I headed right home after yoga and had a snack before deciding I should get to the pool before it rains. Well, I was at the pool just under an hour when it started to drizzle and even though there was no thunder and the rain felt nice, it was hard to read my book while it was raining so I headed home. Since I got fully wrapped up in my book and the rain only got harder outside, I decided to read on the couch. Other than grabbing a quick dinner thanks to my meal prepping earlier in the day, I pretty much was on the couch for the next 3-4 hours. I successfully started and finished Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in one day!!
It was then time to move to grab dessert (OMG my smores M&Ms are almost gone) and write this post.
Though I hardly moved Sunday afternoon, being totally wrapped up in a book that I sat for 3 hours was amazing to me and I call it productive since I finished the book. I guess you could say it was a sun and reading kind of weekend. Now that I am refreshed, it’s time to get back to routine for the work week.
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Did you read the latest book?
What did you do this weekend?

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