Hello there. I was browsing Facebook last week and came across a short little survey my friend did. I decided to change up the survey a bit with adding my own questions and making the theme around the number 3. I thought this would be a fun way for some of you to get to know me a little better. I always love reading these types of surveys on other blogs to get to know the blogger behind the blog. I hope you enjoy and feel free to participate in the comments or on your own blog.
Three places I have lived
Three Favorite Youtube Channels I watch
Three Favorite Instagram Accounts I follow
Three blogs I love
- Lunging Through Life (previously Fit N Cookies)
- Suzlyfe
- The Balanced Blonde
Three places I have visited.
Three things I love to eat
Three favorite Drinks
Three favorite ways to workout
Three weekly grocery staples
- Spinach
- Bacon
- Almond milk
Last three books I read
- Mastering the Art of Quitting by Peg Streep & Alan Bernstein
- Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein
- Spirit Junkie by Garbrielle Bernstein
Three places I would like to Travel to
- Thailand
- Iceland
- New Zealand
Now it’s your turn, tell me…
…Three things you love to eat
…Three favorite ways to workout
…Last three books you read

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