Hey everyone!! Happy Thursday!! We have almost made it through another week. I am just happy because after this week I have a 4 day week next week and it’s almost July when I have some travel plans coming up, but I am certainly not wishing away June by any means. In fact, I think this month has been a lot more productive already than May was and I am quite happy about that.
It’s time for some Thursday ramblings around here. Thanks Amanda
- My no Netflix in the morning rule has been great this month, at least for those weekday mornings. Actually this week has been so busy that I haven’t watched tv or Netflix once. I am hoping to continue that which shouldn’t be too hard considering it is Thursday already.
- I feel like I go through phases where I see 11:11 or 1:11 at least once a day. I was busy on and off the phone yesterday morning but when I hung up from a call, I caught 11:11. I know the meaning behind the 1’s is very important. I felt closed off, almost lost last Friday but after a talk with my fiance, I really opened up and changed my energy to more positive thoughts and working harder. I believe that is why I keep seeing 11:11 and it encourages me to continue making progress towards my goals.
- My current personal development book. This book totally makes me think in a different way. I am only about 20 pages in and love it already. Sooo much thinking, but that is better than brain draining in front of the tv.
- Today is a big day, it’s my official 2 years at my current company. It’s the longest I have been in 1 job, post graduation (which was only 4 years ago, but still). I made myself this cupcake recipe over the weekend and brought in cupcakes on Monday to work. They were delicious and you can bet I will be making more cashew buttercream frosting in the future.
- It is also 2 years since I got accepted to the yoga teacher training I completed. I still can’t believe it has been just over a year since we graduated the training. As much as I love having my weekends back, I miss hanging out with all my yogis.
- Completely random, but my latest favorite dessert is a teaspoon of chia seeds, a teaspoon of Wild Friends Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter and some dark chocolate chips and a couple cut up strawberries. I’d show you a picture but it is not very attractive to look at, so you will just have to try it if you are looking for something sweet and not too unhealthy after dinner. Plus I bought 2 lbs of strawberries and needed to eat them quickly. No complaints, I love strawberries!!
That pretty much wraps up what has been going on with me lately. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Anybody else love berry season? Strawberries, blueberries, give me all the berries!!
Do you ever see repeating numbers like 1111?

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I’m loving strawberry season as well! they’re so perfect this time of year!
I’m seriously LIVING for all the fresh berries that have been popping up lately. Blueberries are my favourite, but I’ll never turn down strawberries either. Happy anniversary at your job! 😀