Happy Thursday!! Oh boy, the last 3 weeks, Thursday has been my Friday so the fact that today it is a Thursday is a little sad, but luckily the first half of the week has gone by quickly and the weather for the weekend is looking beautiful. Now that my birthday has passed, we can jump to summer haha. OK, I guess a little spring would be nice. As long as there is no surprise snow.
Time to pop in for some Thinking out loud.

- Firstly, did you see my post yesterday about Gabby Bernstein’s talk? I know I don’t normally post Wednesday but had to reflect on her talk. I loved it!!
- For the first time in, I think 8 years, I bought sneakers other then Asics brand. Say what?! I felt like I needed something different to rotate between and my second pair of sneakers were just falling apart, like they are going in the trash, so I went shopping during my lunch break ( <- perks of working in the city, but not for my wallet) on Monday and found these at Nordstorm Rack. Already breaking them in a bit, taking a little getting used to, but I love them.
- My to be mother-in-law ( so weird to say!) got me the cutest glass straw for my birthday. I wasn’t even expecting anything, but I had mentioned last time I saw her how I really wanted a glass straw because they look so cool and would make smoothie photos better (what has blog reading done to me?!). How cute is the turtle on the straw?!
- I also got an awesome glass water bottle with a little insert for fruit and stuff to flavor my water. That will be handy for summer and a pool side drink.
- Oh the pool…I can’t wait for summer. My pale skin certainly needs it!
- On a random note, I love meal prepping to make dinners easy. I made some pork the other night, marinating it for an hour in some soy sauce and fresh ginger and grapeseed oil. I had half an avocado to use and some leftover broccoli. Pop the pork and broccoli in the microwave for a bit and then viola, dinner is served.
I guess we will leave this as a shorter post today. As I write this I have to get to some cleaning up in the kitchen and prep lunch for work. Talk to you guys soon.
What is your favorite brand of sneakers?
Do you meal prep?

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That glass straw is too cute! I didn’t eve know glass straws were a thing, but I totally need to check them out!
Yeah they are really cool. I think I first found out about glass straws browsing instagram one day lol. Mine is from Amazon. Hummingbird straws.
Ooh, pool time looks lovely! I love water and summer. ๐
I’ve become one of those people who sits and reads by the pool haha. But I do jump in when I get too hot. So refreshing. Countdown to memorial day and pools opening. I just hope the weather stays nice.
Love those glass straws! Although I’m super jealous because mine doesn’t have a turtle on it ๐ And I seriously can’t wait for summer to come either. We don’t have a pool, but my skin could certainly use the sun ๐
Yeah I am nearing ghostly white, can’t wait for some sun! I actually got a tan (for me…still looked white compared to others) last summer. It only took 3 months of weekends by the pool since I use spf 50 LOL. My straw is from Amazon, Hummingbird Straws. You will have to check them out.