I am now officially in my late 20s, feeling old, but had a wonderful birthday weekend. Probably the best in many years. It started on Friday, I took the day off from work. I am thankful that my company gives us a couple personal days as extra holidays so I actually used one for my birthday weekend. On Friday, Brian and I decided to drive to NYC. We were going to take the train, but driving seemed easier for two people. The train would have been $30 round trip per person plus parking at the train, so around $75 and driving and parking in the city was around the same expense plus gas, which is still cheap in my opinion. The flexibility of having my car in the city so that we didn’t have to wait on a train in the evening was also perfect.
We arrived in the city around 11am and Brian wanted food. We ended up at Smith’s bar and they were still serving breakfast until 11:30. I wasn’t that hungry so I got a fruit bowl and sausage and stole Brian’s bread, to hold me over for a few hours.
After eating, we headed to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. I knew Brian would be interested in the museum, so it was like a late birthday present for him as his birthday was 3 weeks ago. It was a chilly day but luckily we didn’t get any rain while in the city. This museum is partially outside as you look at the planes and the submarine.
We spent about 3 hours at the museum and then spent the next couple hours going into a few stores around times square, including the M&M store. I tried the new Honey Nut M&M flavor, which is really good!! I don’t like coffee and I don’t like spicy, so Honey Nut was the only option I would try.
We had an early dinner at an American bar and grill place. I can’t remember the restaurant name. I had a turkey burger and side salad and we split key lime pie for dessert.
After dinner, we split up, Brian headed to the movies and I headed to the Hilton Midtown to listen to Gabby Bernstein at the Yoga Journal Live event.
I read her book Spirit Junkie and am currently reading her Miracles Now book. The two hour talk flew by. I plan to write a whole post on the talk to do a bit more reflecting on what she talked about.
Afterward, I waited to get my book signed by her. Brian met up with me at the hotel since I was taking too long lol. We left the city around 10:30 and got home shortly after midnight, which meant it was officially my birthday as we headed to bed.
It was nice to have Saturday to sleep in. Since the weather wasn’t great (ummm snow in April on my birthday…),

we headed to the mall for the afternoon, stopping for brunch on the way.

It was a successful shopping day. I found a dress for a wedding I am going to in June and Brian got a matching tie. Guys have it so easy, white shirt, black pants and a tie. I have honestly been looking for a dress for months and am glad that I finally found one, even if it was a bit more expensive than I would have liked.
Before we left the mall, we stopped at Cantina Laredo for chips and guac, a mojito and a free dessert for my birthday, apple pie and cinnamon ice cream.
When we arrived home, we couldn’t wait to just relax and spend the night on the couch. Our feet did a lot of walking between NYC Friday and the mall on Saturday.
Sunday was a very laid back day. The only thing on my agenda for the day was teaching yoga. I was happy to have a more relaxing day. I discovered the series Castastrophe on Amazon Prime and after the first episode, Brian and I were hooked. We blew through season 1 (only 6 episodes) and started season 2.
It was a wonderful birthday weekend and now it’s back to the work week.

Did you get snow this weekend?

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I was NOT a fan of the snow. I don’t get it. Glad you had such a good birthday weekend (minus the snow)!
Yeah snow in April is just wrong. This week looks like it will be better and a nicer weekend.
I would LOVE to try some of the new Mn’m’s! 🙂 I hope you have a blessed week. At least you had a coat to stay warm on your birthday!
They are so good. I hear you can find small packets of them at Walgreens.
Looks like a great weekend! Such a fun adventure to NYC <3 I love Gabby and think her books are fantastic. Continue to enjoy them! ALSO, she has free meditations on iTunes Podcasts!
Thanks Meg. I will definitely check out those meditations. Trying to meditate more