Happy Leap Day!! Since I can only say that once every 4 years I thought it was perfect for an introduction. It’s strange to think that 4 years ago I was in my last semester of college. While post college life has not been easy, sometimes it seems like it is flying by a little too quickly, like wasn’t I just in college?!
Anyway here we are starting another week and heading into a new month tomorrow. The last two weeks I honestly forgot at times that it was February, because we have had some teasers with the weather. Yesterday was over 60 degrees and I can’t wait for everyday to be more than 60 degrees. Only 20 days until Spring, YAY!!
Well I would say the weekend started out pretty well. Actually lets back up to Friday morning when I was super lucky and didn’t have a tree land on my car. Totally serious. I headed to the gym at 5am and one road I went down, I noticed a tree hanging over the road pretty low, my car basically just cleared it, I heard branches on the roof a bit, but it was fine. I get to the gym, workout, really enjoying stretching it out afterwards that I even stay about 5 minutes later than normal. I start heading back to my apartment at 6, get back on that road and as I round the corner, I see the car ahead of me stop, put on his flashers and hop out of the car. The car in front of him ended up with part of the tree landing on their hood. So I stop, put on my flashers and hop out in case they need more hands, but the guy ahead of me got it, lifting the tree a bit so the car could back up and be in the clear. The road is only 2 lanes (1 each way) and the tree had fallen across the whole road. So that car was finally in the clear, in need of a new hood though, and we all turned around and took a different way. I arrived home 20 minutes later than planned, but happy my car and I were safe. I really do thank God that I was so lucky that morning.
I was running around and planning for a later train even if that meant being 10 minutes late to work. I am not a person who likes to be late, but I needed a bit more time to eat and get ready.
I head out for the train around 7:20. I was aiming for the 7:40 and when I arrived at the station, I noticed familiar faces that usually ride my usual 7:21 train. I am not sure if the train was completely packed or didn’t show, but I got to the station when the 7:28 arrived a few minutes late and there were actually tons of seats available too. It is always a plus when a seat is available. So I didn’t have to wait and I got a seat. I really was having a great morning. I was happy that I was so happy as earlier in the week I was kind of meh. Was wonderful to be out of that funk.
Then it was time to work. After work I stopped at Athleta and found some new pants (they sent me $10 off to my email and they won (since I made a purchase)…but the pants were on the sale rack too which helped). I also learned that you can sign up for a discount if you are a yoga teacher but it doesn’t include sale items of course. Still, I signed up.

I then had my monthly massage, though it was with a new person whom is great but does not do the same kind of variety that the other person I liked did. I was quite relaxed afterwards though and then Brian picked me up from the train station. I watched an episode of Fuller House, another great thing about my Friday, and we headed to bed at 9:30, because we are getting old.
Saturday, we grocery shopped, ate lunch at a Chinese Buffet, washed my car (so needed), napped for an hour and explored Neshaminy State Park. I forgot that park was literally 6 miles down the road from us. I didn’t even realize they had a swimming pool in the summer. I definitely need to check that out. It was a bit breezy so one lap around the park was good.
For dinner, I made cauliflower pizza crust. It turned out a bit soggy, maybe we have to drain more of the liquid, but otherwise it was very good. I don’t normally like cauliflower either, but in pizza crust form, it was a win.
A few more episodes of Fuller House and then the internet went out. Brian called tech support and we learned that someone in the office deleted all the modems for my apartment community…big oops. Being that the internet was out, Brian found Life of Pi on his laptop and we hooked it up to the tv and enjoyed the movie.
Sunday morning Brian dealt with the internet company again as it was still out. I think it came back about an hour after his call. Mid morning I headed to Target and then taught at the gym. I think I am slowly getting more confident with teaching. I thought the class went well.
I arrived back home and it was super sunny and 60 degrees so eventually I dragged Brian outside to go for a walk and we enjoyed the fresh air and talking.
Inside for the rest of the afternoon, blogging and reading. I am reading Spirit Junkie and loving it!
Did you have nice weather this weekend?

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I didn’t even know that deleting all of the modems was even possible? THat’s crazy! I can’t wait to start Fuller House !