And we’re back to Monday. The good news for me though is after this week I have a 4 day work week (thank you Labor day) and then I will be on vacation. YAY!!
After that the Pope comes to Philly. Have you read about that? Basically the city is shutting down… I have overheard people at my pool talking about how they have off Friday and Monday around that weekend and calling them “snow days.” I don’t know how that works. I guess they don’t have to work and still get paid. I am assuming we will be told to work from home. I mean we pretty much won’t be able to get into the city because the closures will start Friday and the trains might not be running to go home and then we’d be stranded!! So yes the city is pretty much shut down. The Benjamin Franklin bridge will be closed and people will walk across. These are just things I have heard, but please read this comic, Popenado , because it just sounds so accurate right now.
Anyway back to this weekend. I was really bummed on Friday when my plans for the weekend to go stand up paddleboarding were canceled and I realized I had no plans, it would just be me, myself and I all weekend. Lonely…On top of that Friday at work was stressful. I couldn’t wait to get home and head to the gym. I was surprised to find that the weight area was actually quite crowded for a Friday so I decided to do some weights, stretching and ab work up by the track. It helped de-stress me and begin the weekend.
When I got home, I had some dinner. I honestly can’t remember what I made… Then I watched the movie Raising Helen while laying on the couch. It was a couch kind of night. After laying on the couch for hours though, I felt so much more relaxed, eventually heading to bed.
I set an alarm for 7, even though I was sure I would be up before then. Saturday morning I woke up around 6:45 anyway. I had some cereal for breakfast and then headed out to run some errands. By the time I was done running around, it was 11am. I decided to enjoy the sunshine on my patio and finish working on the letter of recommendation for a friend.
A couple hours later, I was finally happy with it and ready to submit. I also enjoyed a snack of some hummus and chips. I am addicted to making hummus now with my new blender accessory…
It was so nice outside and I did a flow of yoga. I just did what felt good for my body and for the first time in a while, I really felt in my yoga groove again, flowing. It felt amazing!!
The pool was occupied with a luau party so I stayed around the apartment. Eventually I had some dinner, though it wasn’t really enough since I was so busy I didn’t really eat lunch. I decided to head out for a walk before the sun went down and to get some steps since I was laying around most of the day.
I felt so relaxed by the end of the day and ended the night watching The Nanny Diaries I found on Amazon Prime.
Sunday morning I slept just past 7. I made some protein pancakes for breakfast and got some laundry done before heading down to the city for Yoga on the Banks. I decided to head down an hour early and finished up a coloring page I was working on. Time flies when you are in the moment and coloring. Please enjoy how strangely I sit and color lol.
Then it was time for some yoga, got nice and hot and sweaty outside.
When I got home, I was starving and thirsty. I poured myself a big glass of water and assembled this turkey, tomato and zucchini wrap. It was easy and really tasty.
After stuffing my face, I had to make a quick run to Dick’s Sporting Goods. I had dropped my water bottle on my way to yoga and the cap cracked. I picked up another one in a different color. I also decided to save the bottle of the other one so I have 2 bottles and one cap now…
Then I could finally get ready for the pool. Second to last weekend so have to enjoy it. I just read and soaked up the sun. I actually finished my book while eating dinner later.
While there were no plans this weekend, it turned out better than I was thinking on Friday. I had so much time to relax. I finished an assignment. I finished a book. I finished a coloring page. I was clearly on a roll with finishing things this weekend and the down time was necessary, though I still ended up sore between Friday evening’s workout and the yoga I did. I would say it was a pretty marvelous weekend!!

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