As I write this, I’m sitting here with Gilmore Girls on in the background and reading all about writing a letter of recommendation. It feels like school again, but I don’t hate it. I like the challenge and gladly accepted it for an old co-worker. Of course when you have an assignment to work on, you think about all the other things you could be doing. Since I already finished eating dinner, cleaning up after dinner and listening to a Periscope (seriously love that app!), that leaves this word document staring at me, which got me to thinking about writing a blog post. At least I am writing something…
I thought it would be the perfect time to write out some thoughts and things on my mind because then I can get back to that letter of recommendation with a clear head, right? Or maybe just get ready for bed as it’s almost 9pm as I write this and I’m a grandma and need all the sleep I can get, especially with that 4:50am alarm for 5am gym time. I love my 5am gym time and I am a morning person, but it’s still hard to get out of bed at that time, I prefer 6am…

1) Tuesday (as I write this) I decided to try a headstand in the middle of the room. I have been practicing them on and off for a year and pretty solid in tripod, at least for a few seconds. Usually my head starts to hurt. I think I am supposed to put more weight into my hands or perhaps those abs which are definitely stronger than a year ago, but need to be even stronger for headstand. I also for some reason always do headstands after eating…I don’t know why. I haven’t really had an issue as I only hold them for a few seconds lol

2) Speaking of headstands, it’s good to do an inversion each day, even if it is just shoulder stand. I think I need to put this into practice

3) I am still having issues with my right ear. Not sure if the infection went away completely, feels more like it did a couple years ago when I had a sinus infection possibly, just pressure. Might have to head back to the Rite Aid to get it checked out because I really don’t want to suffer on my vacation in less than 3 weeks, but for a few days I am trying a cup of hot lemon water (more like warm because I burn my tongue on all hot drinks) and also a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a drizzle of honey in the morning. I had that Tuesday morning and felt better than Monday so maybe that will work along with a daily sinus rinse, not fun, but hoping it helps
4) I am enjoying using my little laptop again because then I can type and sit on the couch. I hardly used it last year as it kept having to be sent to the company for repair. I also didn’t have a couch last year so sitting at my desk was pretty much my only option. Luckily the laptop repairs were all covered under warranty and one of my bf’s friends finally complained to them to have it fully repaired after they did nothing the first time
5) Now if only I could get my Android tablet to work well…oh technology problems. My Nexus 7 is outdated now and has been slow since an update done in the beginning of the year which is beyond frustrating when it is only 2 years old. It is also so outdated, it won’t even let me download Periscope. If anyone has suggestions on Android tablets, let me know… #firstworldproblems
6) Because I keep mentioning Periscope (did I mention I love it?), anyone know how to get the sound working on an ipad? It’s weird because it is just that app, sound works on Instagram and youtube and such. I have an ipad mini and Periscope downloaded but the sound doesn’t work and I haven’t figured that out. Maybe my ipad is outdated too…but at least it functions much better than my android tablet and has saved me on the road
7) Speaking of driving, it takes me a long time to learn the roads around an area. I still bring my GPS with me for going to Target and the grocery store even though I have lived here for 4 months now. I think I can get there fine without it, but coming home, I need a bit of guidance still
8) On another note, I keep seeing people post about how they can’t wait for Fall weather but all I’m thinking is must soak up all the sunshine before it’s gone. I already don’t like how the sun is setting sooner and days are shorter. What I can say though, is that I really have tried to stay more in the present this summer and enjoyed every humid, hot, sunny day. Rain…not as much, but I know it is necessary and nice to see the grass get green after a hot spell and I do love going outside after the storm in the humid, just rained smell in the air…OK I am probably sounding really weird now, so I will stop, but point is, I love the heat and will not complain
9) Once the time has come for Fall though, I do hope that my apartment complex with all the trees and colorful leaves looks amazing and to do some yoga photos outside still before the really really cold days and snow

10) At least I have one more vacation for the year to look forward to, a whole week off work and some island life in Bermuda in just over 2 weeks! Can’t wait!!
Happy Thursday! Almost through the week!!

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I’m sorry for being one of the blogs that’s kind of, sort of wishing it was fall already 😛 I definitely notice the darker days, and while I’ll probably start hating it after a while, for now it feels all sorts of cozy.
HAHA no worries! Still love you Amanda. That is why you are up North and I am further south to enjoy the warmer temps lol. It is nice that I am not sweating as much when I am wearing pants to work, but still soaking up all the sun and warmth I can and one more weekend at the pool.