Happy Friday!! I saw this survey over on Julie’s blog the other day and thought it would be fun for you guys to get to know me a bit.
A to Z Survey
A – Age: 25
B – Biggest Fear: Creepy bugs popping up out of no where
C – Current Time: 6am (I had my alarm set for 6:30 since I don’t have work today, but still was up at 6, better than 5)
D – Drink You Had Last: water
E – Easiest Person To Talk To: Brian
F – Favorite Song: I have a lot, but one of my favorites is Midnight Train by Journey, because Brian and I are long distance a lot and we actually used to take the train that departed at midnight from Buffalo to Chicago. I’m thinking this will have to be our future wedding song of some sort.
G – Grossest Memory: when hiking to a beach in Costa Rica in the middle of the night for sea turtle watching and my shoe got stuck in the mud that my foot came out and I had to put my muddy foot back in my shoe and hike for another couple hours. That was one of my worst nights during my Costa Rica trip. Don’t worry there were plenty of good ones following.
H – Hometown: I was born in Evanston, IL. I moved last year to Philadelphia, PA.
I – In Love With: Brian.
J – Jealous Of: People’s summer vacations over to Europe. Really want to go there and travel for a month or so.
K – Kindest Person You Know: my yogi friend Christina
L – Longest Relationship: Getting close to 6 years with Brian.
M – Middle Name: Beth
N – Number of Siblings: One sister.
O – One Wish: To have a safe road trip this weekend/week
P – Person You Spoke To On The Phone Last: Brian
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: “How old are you?” (since I basically look 18 I guess, but really compare one of my 18 year old pics to now and I look the same, so not surprising)
R – Reason To Smile: Sunshine!!
S – Song You Last Sang: Midnight Train since I went to Youtube to play it (see F above)
T – Time You Woke Up: 6 a.m.
U – Underwear Color: pink and grey
V – Vacation Destination: if we’re talking current vacation, heading to Rochester, NY then Buffalo, NY this weekend. Looking forward to my week long vacation in Bermuda in September with Brian. Hopefully it’s as beautiful as the Bahamas, where we went 2 years ago.

W – Worst Habit: biting my nails, picking at my nails…
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: dental x rays, shoulder x ray at the chiropractor when I was getting my shoulder diagnosed and found out I have shoulder bursitis in my right shoulder.
Y – Your Favorite Food: been loving roasted sweet potatoes and zucchini noodles. for a sweet, chocolate chip cookies always (especially cookie cakes)!!
Z – Zodiac Sign: Aries
Hope you enjoyed getting to know a few things about me. Hope everyone has a great weekend, especially if you have a 3 day weekend. Happy Fourth!!
Your turn! Tell me your
Favorite song
Reason to Smile
Vacation Destination
Your Favorite Food

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