Hey guys!! It’s Thursday again!! Woot!! I totally woke up yesterday thinking it was Tuesday and then realized it was Wednesday and I was sooo happy that the weekend was closer than I thought. It’s hard to get back to these 5 day work weeks…counting down to July 4th when I get July 3rd off since July 4th is a Saturday. I am hoping there will be some adventuring that weekend but depends if Brian is off work and he never knows until last minute sadly.
On a happier note, linking up with Amanda today for some thinking out loud, because when I write, it tends to be random thoughts anyway.
1) I got myself out of bed at 5am yesterday…OK that probably sounds not so happy, but I got myself out of bed and headed to the gym to workout before work and you know what? It put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. I was so happy when I got out of work on time and was able to enjoy the evening without worrying about rushing to the gym and getting home at 7 and throwing together dinner and then having no time to relax. I actually joined a second gym last month because 1)they have better zumba 2) they open at 5am and 3) they are cheap. I have to be a member of two gyms though because I like to have a pool and my cheap gym doesn’t have a pool so two gyms it is. Soon my other gym membership will be up and I will quickly be replacing it with another gym that will allow me to swim any evening and weekend I want since they don’t do swim lessons or swim team activities that I have to worry about currently when planning my swims. I miss swimming on Friday nights like I used to back in October and last summer.
2) So my cousin got the new Fitbit charge (I want an upgrade sometime) and I challenged him last week to the Workweek hustle. Due to the rain we got last week, I got fewer steps than normal but I still beat him 🙂 I challenged him again this week and so far I have been able to get out for lunch everyday which is awesome and the only extra steps I have done was my walk last night around my apartment complex. Keeping a 5K lead on him. Hoping for a second win!! Fitbit challenges are so fun when you know the person and you are always neck and neck.

3) Speaking of my walk last night, I am still living in my new shorts. I also discovered they have a little zipper pocket in the back for keys. Normally I put my keys in my bra, sorry for the tmi. Anyway the zipper pocket works nicely and I can tell already I am going to be living in these shorts all summer. I should probably try to get a second pair…
4) On Tuesday I got a missed call from my old dentist. After telling my parents about my spot on my tooth they said I should ask my old dentist about it. The dentist was calling asking when my next appointment was going to be because I never told them I moved, but I took it as a sign to call them back and ask them about my spot. I described everything to the receptionist and she called me back later in the evening and said my dentist said I have great teeth and don’t worry about the spot as long as it is not appearing on the x rays and not bothering me. He thinks it could be a pit and fissure stain, so I started to read online about those and it definitely looks similar from the digital pic I have and I am hoping that is what it is. Basically drilling it would be the only way to get rid of it, but it is not the same as a cavity and drilling it could actually make a cavity more likely, so as of right now, I am not letting any dentist touch that spot, not bothering me and I trust my old dentist more. My advice to you always get a second opinion if you are unsure. That is how I avoided braces. We had one orthodontist recommend braces for a year for me, but then we ended up going to a second one and he said all I needed were retainers. Definitely worth it and I saved my parents tons of $$$ on the braces which we’ll just say went to my college funds lol.
5) So completely random but Sunday evening I made this banana cookie dough ice cream and it is awesome. That is all. (sorry the picture is so unattractive)
6) I can’t believe how quickly June is going by already. I think I have now filled my weekends as well. This weekend, I have a special zumba class to attend Saturday with a yogi friend and then a yoga workshop at my old studio Sunday afternoon which I am super excited about! I love having active weekends that get me out of the apartment, because otherwise it is lonely…I still might be able to fit in some pool time Saturday afternoon/evening as well. Gotta soak up all that sun with my SPF 50 on!!
Overall, right now I am really happy. The sun being out this week certainly helps!! Going to be in the 90s today and into the weekend and I am totally going to enjoy it! My goal is to not complain about the heat but I WILL complain about the cold all winter. Have to enjoy the warmth for as long as possible 🙂
Hope you guys have some sunshine and good weather to enjoy this weekend!!

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Woohoo for early mornings! I seriously wake up way too early sometimes, but I love that it makes me feel so much more productive for the rest of the day. That and it’s nice not to rush and run around like a crazy person first thing in the day and just be able to enjoy some quiet time before the craziness hits. And that’s great news about your teeth! Still jealous 😛
I definitely love my morning “me” time. Always nice to not have to rush around, have time to make a decent breakfast and watch a tv show in the morning.