Happy Easter Monday!! Back to work today. I had a wonderful much needed, 3 day weekend. After moving Tuesday, I was just not into the whole work at the office thing until I was feeling more organized at home. Friday morning I got up at 6:30am. I had forgotten to turn off my 6am alarm on my phone and I just wanted to get to moving around boxes. An hour and a half later, I finally decided to stop to eat breakfast as the living room was finally feeling more open.
Then I headed over to the local YMCA. I moved to a completely different area so Friday was a day of exploring around except that it started to rain mid morning so that was annoying. The YMCA is so small but I joined anyway. I need a lap pool and some zumba back in my life. Although my new apartment complex has an outdoor pool for summer, from what I understand they don’t have lane dividers so lap swimming probably won’t happen there and of course I like a pool year round. Being without a gym membership has been super tough for me since November, but I didn’t have time between yoga teacher training class requirements and work so I saved a bunch of money ending my membership for the last 4 months and now that my class requirements are done for yoga and I moved to a new area so unfortunately can’t get to the yoga studio very easily anymore, I am beginning weight training again.
From there, I headed to Homegoods as I was searching for lamps. I didn’t find what I was looking for, so then headed to Target which had the perfect simple lamps as well as other things I needed, like some more cleaning supplies and food. After that, I headed to Whole Foods and was amazed at how big the store was. I pulled into the parking lot at about 12:30 Friday afternoon and it was packed. I saw a car pulling out of a spot and pulled right in. After parking, I looked at the parking lines and realized the “spot” I was in, wasn’t even a legit parking spot, yet I was between two cars, but the car to my right wasn’t in a parking spot either. I couldn’t believe how crowded it was, maybe because people were shopping before the holiday this weekend. I went inside and was just amazed at how big the produce section is. I saw the bulk bins and went over to get some oats and I took a few minutes to look around for bags and didn’t see any. Then I noticed there were small paper bags, pencils and stickers for the bag, so I grabbed a paper bag and filled it with my oats. I then wandered around the store to get familiar with where everything was while searching for my few items.
Finally after being out and about for a few hours, it was time to head home to unload and get my new lights assembled so I can see in the living room. My last apartment had enough ceiling lights that I didn’t need to buy any extra lights. After organizing my new things, I headed back out to Target again to buy another lamp. I had only bought one the first time to see how it would work out.
Before I knew it, the day was coming to an end. I threw together a quick dinner (chicken nuggets from Trader Joes and bean salad I made).
It was nice to eat at home for dinner. I have been eating out for lunch and dinner most days for the past week as I didn’t want to buy food and move it. Then it was time to wind down the night. I was tired from all the running around.
Saturday morning I slept past 7am, which was wonderful. I wanted to make pancakes but then I realized I didn’t have eggs :(. So I had a quick bowl of cereal for breakfast and then sat down to brainstorm my yoga paper. When that didn’t work, I got dressed and headed out for a walk in the beautiful sunshine by the river.
This is around the corner from my back door so basically my backyard. This is what makes my smaller apartment worth it and I can’t wait for the warmer temps.
I came back and sat down to really get to work. Finally I got my yoga paper written. It feels so nice to check something off the to do list. Then it was time to have a snack and get dressed for the gym. The gym wasn’t too crowded, which may be due to the holiday weekend. Since I haven’t been doing weight lifting in a while I contacted Susie to make up a couple workouts for me to get back into it. I completed my first workout from Susie and honestly I couldn’t even get through all the push ups because my arms were shaking so much at the end.
After the gym I had a few things I wanted from the grocery store and another quick trip to Homegoods for a pan to steam some artichokes in. I studied how to cut an artichoke on youtube Friday night since I got a couple from Whole foods. I learned how to get to the heart of the artichoke.
Inspired by Erin’s recipe I made pasta with an artichokes, garlic, spinach sauce.
The afternoon was spent cooking, catching up with my sister, finding some quotes for a project, one last walk outside for the evening and watching HGTV (love having basic cable!).
Sunday morning I stayed in bed late again. It was so nice to have a three day weekend. Much needed as it gave me an extra day to just rest. I did not have any plans to go anywhere. I made a delicious breakfast including some cinnamon rolls I treated myself to, to make Easter breakfast slightly more special.
Then I had some time to write, organized the bedroom by hanging up clothes, started studying for my yoga final and enjoyed the weather by going for a nice walk around my apartment complex. The road around is about a mile for one lap so it works perfect for a nice walk. Of course I also spent some time soaking up some sun by the water front.
Thanks to Katie for hosting!!

Did you have a three day weekend?
What did you do for Easter?

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HOORAY for a new place with new things and new foodies! Is there anything better than what feels like a fresh start?:)