Happy humpday! This week is going by faster since I had the day off on Monday. Linking up with Jenn for What I ate Wednesday Monday.
On Monday it was so wonderful to sleep in a bit and when I say sleep in, I mean I got up around 7:15am. Since I had some time to make breakfast, I decided to experiment with making beet pancakes. I made roasted beets the other night which turned out well so I wanted to try some in my pancakes. I couldn’t find a recipe I liked, since I only wanted to make enough for one serving so I just kind of experimented. I made Old Fashion pancakes for one but eliminated the butter and added half a beet instead. I also failed to get the beet into a more puree form so it was more like beet chunks in my pancakes, but I still ate them. I loved the sweetness the beets added so I will definitely be trying to get a better recipe in the future for these.
I topped the beet pancakes with half a banana and syrup and had a side of bacon. Perfect breakfast to start my day!
I then had a doctor appointment which went short and sweet luckily. I came back home and had to warm up with some hot tea and light a candle for some warmth since it was below 0 degree outside with wind chill.
Then I worked on making some lunch while Brian was on his way down. Once Brian arrived, we had some pork that I had marinated and on the side a spinach and pomegranate salad.
Dinner was our late Valentine’s Day celebration. Brian brought some steaks with him from a local butcher shop so he cooked those. Then I made some cupcakes for dessert and worked on making our drink. Now for those of you who don’t know me I don’t drink, at all. I just don’t like the taste of alcohol, drinks are expensive and I am lightweight so I avoid it. When I came across this Grapefruit drink for two on Pinch of Yum, I was like, wow that looks good (minus the alcohol) but I told Brian about it and he said we should try it. He added just 1 oz of alcohol to my drink so I really didn’t taste it. He made his stronger which I tried as well, but tasting the alcohol is not something I like. Anyway I really did enjoy the citrus flavor and fresh mint. I would definitely make this drink again.
Our evening was wonderful, we enjoyed steak and avocado with our drinks and talked for a while, phones and technology aside, just us. Then it was time for the delicious dessert. I made this cupcake recipe for two. It made 4 cupcakes and we definitely ate 2 each because how could you not! I made the peanut butter frosting to go with them. They were so good, Brian really couldn’t believe how amazing they were. So quick to make too so I will definitely be making those again.
So many new recipes and delicious food on Monday. It was a great laid back day as well. I think we need more 3 day weekends, that way I get everything done on Saturday and Sunday and have Monday to relax 🙂

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