Last night I couldn’t wait to get home and get to bed. However there were many thoughts on my mind about my yoga sequencing and what we learned this weekend. I finally took some time to write last night before bed which was perfect for clearing my head. Now getting into what happened this weekend.
Friday evening we started with a sequence we had written the last time and each were given a section to teach. We had no idea about this ahead of time so we had to prepare on the fly. I am a planner so “on the fly” can be really difficult but slowly I am learning to go with the flow more. We started out with a great opening, however the remainder of the practice ended up being awkward as we are still trying to think of good transitions in our head. One thing I definitely noticed was that I did feel more confident or rather, I didn’t stress about it much. I was more relaxed and that I felt was really important. I have never been good at presentations and talking in front of people I don’t know or groups and especially not when it is on the fly. One thing I knew I had to conquer during this yoga training was getting more comfortable with speaking to a group of people, because when I do teach in the future, I will not know everyone and I will be the teacher speaking to everyone. The rest of the evening we discussed sequencing more in depth and tips for our sequencing. The three hours really flew by.
In the morning I headed to the grocery store early and had enough time to do some yoga poses and throw together a quick taco for my lunch/dinner during yoga.
We began our afternoon at yoga with our first student led practice. The practice was truly incredible. She had been practicing for weeks and really knew her sequence. Not only that but it was filled with many twists which was perfect since my upper back has been a bit sore and it felt wonderful. In addition to that, we did side crow and I finally learned how to balance on one elbow!! Her cue was perfect! Plant your hands and walk around on your tip toes a bit to the side and then lean onto your front elbow. OMG I was soooo excited!! I have felt comfortable in side crow for a while, but couldn’t figure out how to get on one elbow. Seriously my face lit up, smiling for hours after that. I couldn’t wait to bust out another side crow when I got home later that evening.
After the amazing practice and feedback, we learned about the Deities. Amazing stories and great speaker, but sometimes it was hard to follow the stories and without background information it was a challenge. I wrote down as much as I could make sense of and hopefully that will be enough since we are tested on it next time. I have a feeling that a lot of people felt the same way. I just don’t want it to be like the anatomy test where we could study and study and then you get the test and feel like you studied all the wrong stuff.
After a food break, we learned some Yin Yoga. I recently went to two Yin Yoga classes in the last two weeks and have really enjoyed them. Saturday, I don’t know what it was, but there were certain poses I just could not get comfortable in. In Yin Yoga, you typically hold a pose for 5 minutes and you make sure you are comfortable in the pose and letting gravity do the work in a fold or whatever the pose may be. 5 minutes for a pose can seem like a really long time when you can’t get comfortable, but besides that, it really provides great stretches.
I got up at 7, ate breakfast and then headed off to Whole Foods. I was in the parking lot at 7:56 and they opened at 8. What I couldn’t believe was the fact that there were at least 5 other cars there before me waiting for Whole Foods to open. Then they all got out of their cars at 7:59, getting carts and waiting at the door. I waited until they all went in and then got out of my car. I quickly grabbed a few items, checked out and headed home.
I talked to my parents while cooking in the kitchen. I am so glad Brian got me a Bluetooth head piece for Christmas. I use it all the time while I am cooking. Hands free is awesome (even if my ear hates it)! I finally felt back in my zone as I was cooking in the kitchen, roasting sweet potatoes and Brussel sprouts, making granola bars and avocado truffles and cooking some chicken for my tacos for later. I am on a rice, beans and taco phase right now for my weekend eats.
After spending a while in the kitchen, I was able to do some blog reading before heading out to the train. For some reason the trains were running late all weekend which was a bit annoying, but luckily they usually get me there super early anyway.
I had started feeling a headache coming on in the morning and it wasn’t getting any better by the time I got to the studio. I knew it was probably due to getting to bed late over the weekend and not drinking enough water on Saturday. I have a huge problem with getting enough water on yoga weekends. That is why I actually purchased Rehydrate from Advocare. I drink that before I go to yoga training and it really does help, however, I do still need plenty of water during the 7 hours on Saturday that I am not getting. I actually have found that when I drink 4 glasses of water prior to going to yoga it really helps. That would be on average, 1 glass per hour since I get up at 7am and leave around 11. While I tried to drink plenty of water Sunday, I didn’t have enough, but could also be related to not sleeping enough.
Once I got into the city, I got a tea and that helped hydrate me for the first couple hours of yoga training while we were led by another student for practice and then talked.
Then we had the first part of 4 for our meditation series and that was difficult when my headache started to return. Hopefully I will be able to better enjoy it next time.
It was a long wait for the train, but finally I got home and immediately drank 2 glasses of water to get myself more hydrated.
What doesn’t help is the fact that a smoke detector in a recently vacated apartment has been going off for a straight week. I have already called maintenance 3 times last week and they tried to tell me they couldn’t tell where it was coming from when I clearly told them the apartment number. It is horrible since I can hear it throughout my apartment, echoing from the back steps. So starting today I am calling them every morning until it is fixed. Hopefully they will get annoyed enough with my calls that they can take care of it. This is why my sleep hasn’t been good. It takes me longer to fall asleep with the constant beeping and then if I roll over in the middle of the night, I hear it again until I can manage to fall asleep.
Luckily after some writing last night my mind felt more clear and I was able to get to bed at a decent hour.

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