Happy New Year’s Eve!!
I am continuing with my reflections on this year today. Here is part 1 in case you missed it.
Now onto part 2 beginning with my drive…
My drive to Philadelphia was split over the course of 3 days. The first day I just drove to Michigan to see my friend and her baby one last time until who knows when. Then I drove to my aunt’s house in Ohio the next day. She gave me lots of stuff for the kitchen such as utensils (those certainly came in handy). Then the last leg of my drive was down to Philadelphia where luckily the maintenance guy was still there when I arrived to open the back door for me. I unloaded most of my car and I made a bed on the floor with blankets, a sleeping bag and pillows. That was my bed for the first two nights before I purchased an air mattress. Then Brian came down and we bought a mattress and desk at IKEA. The two pieces of furniture I owned until buying a table for the dining room months later. I may not have many things but I have learned to appreciate everything I do have and make it work.
I spent my days exploring the town and walking around the mall, while also talking to recruiters and meeting new recruiters for interviews. The first two weeks in Philadelphia felt so long and I was stressed not knowing when I would have a job since I now needed to pay rent. However soon I had an interview scheduled nearly every day. Some interviews went better than others. My first was definitely terrible. Actually it didn’t really feel much like an interview since the guy did most of the talking. Somehow I was offered that job, but I didn’t want it after the interview. I had some more interviews, slowly figuring out what I wanted. With all the interviews and stuff going on, I was stressed and almost didn’t accept my interview with my current company. The recruiter was super nice and understanding though about my waiting to hear back from other companies and I decided to schedule the interview. Obviously I am sooo glad I did! Knowing I could take the train to work was a huge plus for me, since I was new to the city and being in the city to work just sounded so exciting. A completely new experience!! Not only that but the company was fairly new for its own company, just coming off of another company so a majority of the people were new and learning things together. With the room for growth and everything I was hoping I would get the call that I got the job.
A few days later I did get a call for a second interview. After the first interview was 3 hours with 5 people, I wasn’t sure what else I could tell them, but just made sure to be myself. I had one more person to meet though and so I interviewed with him and then they made the decision and chose me!! I accepted the offer right away and was super excited to start in mid June!! I learned and grew so much in the interview process and moving. I learned how to keep myself busy and enjoyed the sunshine during the days before working and then on the weekends. I had also applied to a yoga teacher training during this time to which I learned my acceptance of my first day at my new job. I spent my time before working doing lots of yoga and reading at the park and continuing my Instagram yoga challenges.
I am so grateful for the opportunity with my current company and all the people around me. Everyone is just so friendly!! For the people who knew me before my move, they notice in my voice how much happier I am.
My moving away and being closer to Brian has also been great for our relationship. We may not see each other often, but we certainly make every second count when we do get to spend time together. We don’t fight. There is no time for that. No time to be mad. We simply talk things out if we don’t agree and move on.
It is also nice to be on the East coast to see more as well. It was convenient for the weddings I attended in June and in October. It is just so easy to drive places. I can’t say how long I will be staying here, but for now I am happy where I am at. I am learning new things at my job each week and doing yoga teacher training at the same time where I am expanding my knowledge about yoga and more. Together they keep me busy and happy with my life!! I am so excited for this New Year and to see what exciting things 2015 will bring!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!

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