Happy Monday everyone!! I am so glad I only have to work 2.5 days this week. Hopefully it goes by fast to get to my 4.5 day weekend!! This weekend was marvelous as my boyfriend, Brian, came down for his few days off so I’m linking up with Katie today.

I had permission to leave right after the luncheon and caught the 3:15 train home which was awesome!! I got home just as Brian arrived so that timing worked perfectly. We had an hour to hang out and catch up before I headed out to TGIF Yoga. I love Friday night yoga!! My hips were super sore from Thursday night’s yoga class so it was tough, but I made it through.
Once I got home, I had a quick snack for my dinner and then we watched a movie before heading to bed.
Saturday morning I was finally able to sleep in!! It was wonderful staying in bed until after 8am. I haven’t been able to sleep in for a few weeks due to yoga teacher training. Around 9 I headed to the post office. Yes I mailed my Christmas gifts a bit late…oops. The couple I was mailing will most likely arrive the day after Christmas, but that is an even better surprise right?! I also bought some cute stamps.
After I finished at the post office, Brian and I headed out to brave the mall. We got there shortly after 10 and the mall wasn’t too crazy yet. I had something to return at Macy’s and we did lots of walking around. I did end up buying myself a flour sifter because I needed one for making cookies. Then we had lunch at this Mexican restaurant in the mall. It was sooo good. I was actually craving Mexican. We had guacamole made at our table with tons of chips. Then I got the beef fajitas. So delicious! I was full for a long time.
By the time we finished eating, the mall was getting crowded. We walked around more and browsed a few stores. Then we made our way back to the car to head to the movie theater. We saw Night at the Museum 3. It was really good. I think I forgot what watching a movie was like in a movie theater as I had not been to a movie theater since March. I totally got lost in the movie and forgot about the outside world for the time being.
It was still light outside by the time the movie finished, but not for long as we headed to a new Target that opened recently and was HUGE!! Then we took Brian’s truck through a car wash. I had never been through one before, so I enjoyed that. Then we stopped at Wegmans for groceries. Brian made fruit smoothies in his new blender for our dinner since we had such a huge lunch.
We then attempted to watch a movie. Well Brian finished it, but I definitely fell asleep half way through.
Sunday morning I got up around 7:30 and headed to 2 yoga classes back to back, a vinyasa class and a gentle yoga class. I got back shortly after noon and had some lunch before Brian and I headed into the city. We went to see the Animal version of Body World at the Franklin Institute. I had already seen the two body worlds and the animal world at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, but I love the exhibits and didn’t mind seeing it again. It was actually different walking through this time since I just recently studied some anatomy for the first time and I was looking at the skeletons and testing myself on the bones lol.
We spent a few hours at the museum walking around to all the rooms. Brian was like a little kid running around and playing with everything. It was a nice way to spend our Sunday afternoon and get out. Then it was time to wait for the train for a while and get home to cook some dinner. I think we are going to make it a new tradition or something of having steak when Brian comes. He usually only gets down here once a month so that is reasonable. We enjoyed steak and brussel sprouts for dinner.
After dinner we both seemed to go on a cleaning spree. I worked on the kitchen and Brian worked on the bathroom and living room. With all the packages we have been getting, the living room was getting filled with empty boxes so Brian broke them down for recycling. Now I just need to vacuum this week sometime. Always nice to go to bed at the end of the weekend with a clean place though.
Now time to head to work.

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What a busy yet fun weekend. It should be a must to have Mexican restaurants in malls. Chips & Salsa, enchiladas & margaraitas just make for the perfect shopping fuel 🙂
The mexican restaurant was definitely a win! Much better than mall food court food for sure.